Sunday, December 17, 2006

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth,
give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful.”

Peace, something that well need. Peace, a dream which we all share. Peace something we hear about, yet never seem to fully experience or acquire. Oh, we thing that we have it…once in awhile, (and to some extent, we do) yet our lives always seem so hectic.

Yet Christ promises to give us this peace, His peace. While we may not understand it, while we are unable to comprehend it, He gives us this peace - His ability to get through, to cope with each day, each moment. Christ’s peace enables us to treat each other with amity and love.

We are graced by God so that no matter what happens, we keep our equilibrium and
(hopefully) our temper when our tasks or problems seem too big for us. He graces us so we are then able to not let our hearts be troubled or fearful. He graces us and gives us His peace so that we - like job - can fight and argue with God (and he will lovingly correct us); or we can trust in Him and blindly follow so that like Peter we can jump out of the boat and try to walk towards God, no matter what crosses our path, no matter what tides may pull on us. As long as we are properly grounded, rooted firmly in God so that we may fully rely on Him, we shall get through.

Though the results may not be what we expected, we shall still get through. The journey and how we travel it is what is important to God. His peace guides us, His grace leads us so long as we allow it, for God is my shield and my strength, my ever present help in time of need. For His name’s sake I shall suffer and count it all joy. His rod and staff shall guide and comfort me in all sorrows, in all joys, in all times.

God, please guide me and shield me. Enfold me in your tender mercies. Give me your peace no matter what comes at me, whether it is prosperity or poverty, ease or adversity,goodness or grief. Guide me and comfort me. Be with me and stay by my side – carry me should I need it. I pray this Lord of thee. Amen.


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