Sunday, December 31, 2006

Matthew 2:12 “And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way.”

Magi came to see the child the portents told about. Magi – eastern philosophers, priests, and astrologers – saw a star in the sky that they had never seen before. Using all of their intellect, using their training, using what they knew, these Magians (proper form) left their home land (most probably Persia or Chaldea) and traveled, following the star, following the portents.

God called these men to the search. God Almighty took these priests – these sacredotians who “waited upon the sacred fire”, who practiced divination, who’s predecessors Nebuchadnezzar had nearly killed over a dream and later placed under Daniel’s control – and turned them into instruments of His use. These Magians followed the star to Jerusalem and while Bethlehem and Jerusalem are close to each other, these men were proficient enough at what they did to be able to discern the difference of a couple miles. Why did they stop in Jerusalem? Why did they ask Herod where they were going? These wise men were led by God to Herod. These wise men were searching for Virgil’s Great King, for Zoroaster’s prophecy of “Zosiosh”, the Head of the kingdom to come (who was to come from Jacob’s seed as told by Balaam) and they knew that this divine ruler was to come from the Jews.

A prophecy they fulfilled, a prophecy by Jeremiah that the children of Rachel would be slaughtered (Jeremiah 31:15). These wise men, these astrologers were used by God to fulfill a prophecy about the death of all the children two years and under in Bethlehem, the birthplace of our savior, Jesus.

The message of divine salvation had been spread throughout the area. The dispersion of the ten tribes of Israel had carried the story of the “great king” wherever they went. It was well known and documented that there was to be a “king of kings” to come from Judah. God had already begun the work, His work of salvation for our entire world, past and future. Yet these magi were looking for a physical king to unite the world and eradicate wickedness, evil, and sin. The wise men had all the prophecies and information that the Jews did, and they drew the same conclusion. From our historical vantage point (hindsight is always 20/20), we understand Christ was to be a suffering servant in the first coming. In fact Christ shall reign over all the earth and actually be the King of all Kings during His second coming.

These wise men came to look for this physical king. These Magi came searching for their physical hope. What they found was their spiritual hope. What they brought were gifts, the fulfillment of prophecy, and death.

They brought gifts to represent Christ’s reign, they brought the completion of the prophecy to be a sign to the people of Judea and Israel, and they brought death to all the other similarly aged children of Bethlehem.

God used these men to His purpose. God used these men to fulfill His desires. No matter what beginnings or what ends come through God’s use, we can all be used by Him and He will use us whether we desire to be used or not.

Willingly we allowed God entrance and domination into and over our lives; willingly we should let God work through our lives; willingly let God work in your life.


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