Sunday, April 29, 2007

Philippians 3:8 “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ,”

I have boxes in my room. Some are full and some are not. I have clothes, papers, and books strewn across everything and everywhere. I need to get all of this packed up, boxed up, arranged, labeled, and removed from this room.

This room has been my home for the past few years and is full of memories. It was in this room that I first dyed my hair. It was this room that I played computer games and wrote term papers. This was the room where I started talking in chatrooms, where I learned to do my homework on my bed because my desk was full of clutter. This is the room in which I had my first couch, my first mini-fridge, my first overflow of school books. This is the room where I used to have friends over and we would watch movies and play games and sometimes even have study sessions. This is the room that is not too cluttered to do anything in.

This is just a room.

And what is the value of the stuff in my room? My stereo? My computer? My couch? My books? My coffee machines and coffee hoard? My tea set? My school books? My calculator? What is the value of all this?

Everything I have learned, everything I have done, everything I have accumulated is worthless. Now do not misunderstand me, there is intrinsic commemorative value in these things, but the worth of them is merely physical and material.

What is the worth of a soul? What is the price of a life? What is the value of knowing God? Everything I have, all my memories, all my stuff is rubbish and worthless because it does not gain me Christ.

My education, my knowledge, my learning – all this is good! These are wonderful physical and material pursuits, yet Christ is so much more worthy to pursue! The pursuit of Christ requires a loss of everything else. Compared to the glory and brightness of Him, everything we consider valuable is merely dross

Things are just things, but Christ is eternal. I shall miss this room. I shall feel a sense of loss when I give away my couch; yet still I have Christ, yet still God is Lord of All. My tattered and broken couch is just refuse compared to the loving and comfortable arms of God. I leave this place, but with me goes something so much better, so much more!

With me goes Christ my Savior and my God, and everything I have learned about Him.

All to Jesus I surrender;
humbly at his feet I bow,
worldly pleasures all forsaken;
take me, Jesus, take me now.


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