Sunday, August 05, 2007

Matthew 13:24-26 “Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. 26But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also.’”

Jesus Liked nature and He liked teaching from it. He made all of nature and we know that all the heavens, earth, and all creation declares the glory of the Lord (Psalm 19). Christ uses the metaphor of wheat and tare to show the truth of the world. We are a field of wheat, but there are Tares, or Darnel (Lolium temulentum) that is sown in this field of wheat. Wheat is a useful grain. It is used in the making of bread so we can have sandwiches, hamburger buns, stews, even today’s supermarket meats are mixed with wheat product (or gluten) to thicken and give added flavour. Tare is a weed that looks just like wheat and rye until the grain heads begin to bud. By the time it buds, however, The roots of the Tares are so intertwined with the root system of the wheat that it is impossible to remove this weed without removing the wheat.

Fausset’s Bible dictionary has the to say about Tare: “The seed is like wheat, but smaller and black, and when mixed with wheat flour causes dizziness, intoxication, and paralysis;” Tare grain is poisonous.

Our world is made up of wheat and tares. The wheat gives life, but the tares will take it, or at least cause much pain. The bible says that by our fruit we are recognized (Matthew 7:16) If we make our goal to live like Christ would live, then we are going to be hated and distrusted by the world, we are going to be in constant trouble with those who are not Christians. Weeds are weeds because they try and choke out other plants. Weeds survive by not letting other plants have the nutrients, the sunlight, and the water needed. Weeds try to block the followers of Christ from the nutrition of the Holy Bible, from the Light of His glory, and from His living water. If we live as Christ would, we would be able to feed the world, we would be able to give life to those who are lifeless, we would be able to show beauty to those who live in squalor, and we would be able to help produce more wheat.

If we reap what we sow in our lives, then if we learn Christ like actions and we try to act Christ-like, we will reap Christ-like actions, we will reap a bountiful harvest of those who see us and wonder why we are different. We will be able to sow more wheat. Let us therefore try and become the people He wants us to be. We are the instruments of Christ, and He is the maker of both wheat and tare. He is able to change water into wine, and He can change tare into wheat. He can make those who tried to poison His word and who tried to crowd out His people into one of His own followers, into one who lives on His words and goes out to their community as a witness for Him!

How sweet is the love of my Savior!
’Tis boundless and deep as the sea;
And best of it all, it is daily
Growing sweeter and sweeter to me.


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