Sunday, December 09, 2007

Colossians 4:17-18 “And say to Archippus, "See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord." I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.”

“Ministry,” a word that holds so many meanings to so many people. We are called to minister to the world around us (Romans 15:15-16). We are called to be ministers of the Gospel of Jesus' life and death and resurrection (2 Corinthians 3). We are called to be Ministers in all circumstances to all men (Ephesians 3). Notice that Paul, in a letter written to a specific church that was to be spread throughout and entire region, gives a stern reminder to one person. This one person was obviously not fulfilling the ministry he was entrusted with. I can see Paul giving this subtle reproof “I am still serving God to the best of my ability while I am in prison, maybe even going to die. I serve God the best I can, even if it is writing letters to encourage you to do better in your ministry. This is what I am able to do, this is my ministry for now. You have so much potential and a freedom that I do not have. Please use it! Please!”

Each of us is called to minister in the specific role that Christ has given us for whatever period of time we are in. This story comes directly from the website of the Northeast Region Campus Crusade for Christ.

DARTMOUTH COLLEGE -- This is the testimony from three student leaders at Dartmouth named Annie, Sarah, and Melanie.

Annie: An Shi was a stranger in our kayaking class. On the second day of class, I found myself beside her walking back to campus and we began to chat. A little way into the conversation, I suddenly had a realization that before the end of the conversation I would have asked her to Alpha (an introductory course on Christianity that was being held on campus). I watched the conversation naturally move to spiritual things, and then to Christianity, of which she had heard, and in which she was interested. As we were about to part ways, I was able to ask her to come to Alpha. And she accepted.

Sarah: I met An at Alpha, the night that Annie brought her. She could only stay for part of the first time, but kept on coming back. An is a quiet person, and often would just listen, but once she started asking questions, it was hard to stop her! She asked questions that got to heart issues. She asked me some tough questions about prayer and shared with me what her experience had been in the time we had spent praying. She told me that she had seen a light and had felt some sort of change. Throughout the rest of the term, we continued to meet. Her questions got me asking questions about my own faith, questions I would have never thought to ask otherwise.

Melanie: I met with An several times throughout the summer and each time, she questioned me about Christianity, my experiences, and my beliefs. I know that she also continued meeting with my friends (with Annie, Sarah, and another sophomore named Cam) and challenging them in the same way, so even while she was doing this and growing closer to God, she was causing all of us to grow closer together and closer to Him. It was an incredible experience - the five of us learning more about His beauty together.

Sarah: An was the first person I've seen come to faith. I will continue to pray for her and keep in touch with her. Please pray for her too.

What ministry have we been given? While I was a student, I dealt with the international students. I served the best I could. I helped with the exchange students and I helped run the tech booth at church. That was then. Now I can live my witness and be a witness to the (mostly) unsaved people I deal with every day. I can find a way to be involved in my (new) community. I can help with food drives and I can help feed people with less than myself. What can you do in your area? What opportunities do you have? What strengths (and what weaknesses) has God endowed you with to use for His glory?

In the harvest field there is work to do,
For the grain is ripe, and the reapers few;
And the Master’s voice bids the workers true.
Heed the call that He gives today.


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