Sunday, March 30, 2008

2 Corinthians 1:9-10 “In fact, we felt sure that we were going to die. But this made us stop trusting in ourselves and start trusting God, who raises the dead to life. God saved us from the threat of death, and we are sure that he will do it again and again.” (CEV)

Last week, I had a dream. Now I don't think it was prophetic or was God showing me something or teaching me something. I doubt it had much more bearing than my readings before I went to sleep, but I leave that for you to decide.

Now, in this dream world - as in most all dreams - there is a pervasive knowledge about things and what they are and what they represent even though the images are not distinct. In my dream, a figure that I knew represented me. The figure of me was walking across a bridge or a path, something over a dark background that had the feeling of an abyss or a chasm. In the middle of the bridge I encountered problems and knelt, burdened, barely able to stay upright. Suddenly, swarming both ends of the bridge were white figures with wings which I knew to be angels due to the dream knowledge. They were trampling and running over each other in their hurry to get to me, their hands outstretched, straining and striving with each other to aid me in my trial. Right before any of them could reach me and touch me, a light sprung up around me, a Holy light, The Holy light. Then came words without speech or voice. “No! He must go through this without your interference to be made and molded and prepared into who I am making, molding, and preparing him to be! He is being prepared for what is to come.” At that point I woke up because the phone was ringing.

Looking at Paul and what he went through, the trials he endured, the stonings that he withstood, and the hardships he bore all for the sake of the Gospel that is Jesus Christ. It is when there are no more options present that we can see, it is when we despair of what we are able to do that God's hands are proven mighty indeed. When we have nothing left, He says “I have everything.” It is when we are without options that our trust is tested and proven. We, as fallen humans, cannot truly trust until trust is all we have left.

I’ll not be afraid for the terror by night, nor the arrow that flieth by day;
For the Lord whom I serve is my shield and my light, he will guide and protect all the way.
I’ll not be afraid, I’ll not be afraid, where He leadeth I safely can go;
I will trust Him alway, both by night and by day, He’ll be with me forever, I know.

I’ll not be afraid, though the stormy winds blow, and the billows sweep over my soul;
He who calmeth the sea will protect me, I know, and will lead me to heaven’s bright goal.
I’ll not be afraid, I’ll not be afraid, where He leadeth I safely can go;
I will trust Him alway, both by night and by day, He’ll be with me forever, I know.

I’ll not be afraid of the scorns of the world, nor to tell of God’s wonderful love;
When from Satan’s vile host fiery darts shall be hurled,I’ll be strengthened with grace from above.
I’ll not be afraid, I’ll not be afraid, where He leadeth I safely can go;
I will trust Him alway, both by night and by day, He’ll be with me forever, I know.

I’ll not be afraid when the grave I shall see— just beyond its dark shadow is rest;
And the welcome of angels is waiting for me, when I enter those realms of the blest.
I’ll not be afraid, I’ll not be afraid, where He leadeth I safely can go;
I will trust Him alway, both by night and by day, He’ll be with me forever, I know.


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