Sunday, August 03, 2008

Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

“Your Kingdom come”
A prayer we can all pray is this, to see God's kingdom happening. Remember that Christ rules not over a physical kingdom, a physical nation, but rather a spiritual nation, a nation of fellowship with Him. He is the big brother to us, Our heavenly Father's adopted children. To see His kingdom happening is to see His work being done and to see the effect that we, the citizens of Heaven have on Earth, bringing more people to be fellow citizens, fellow children, and fellow redeemed. God's kingdom is now – always and eternally now. We just need to ask to be shown it and His glory.

“Your will be done”
God's will is always done by those who truly seek after Him. This is a prayer that is highly damaging to us and our independence. We are praying that God will override us and our desires with His will and His desires. We are praying that despite what we and our earthly bodies want, God's desires must be over all. This is painful to us in every way. Secondly, this is our prayer that God will transform our will to His and make them the same, so that God's will is not merely overpowering our own, but that God's will has actually become ours as well! Thus we are not battling Him in the freedom of choice that He has given us, but our freedom of choice has become Him and all that He wants, and so no longer do we battle Him in our daily desires, but we battle for Him to help our brothers and sisters grow closer to Him as well!

“on Earth as it is in Heaven”
Heaven is the place of God's abode. But wait! He also lives in our hearts and our souls and our bodies and our minds and our strength! God is in all and is everywhere! Wherever can we go that God is not? Where can we go that God's will and kingdom are not the most important things, that they are not the objects we should cherish most? No where! Earth is as much the Lord's as Heaven is. The only difference between Heaven and Earth is that Heaven is in the immediate presence of the Lord, the Christ, and all the saints who have gone before us. Heaven is where we are all together in beautiful fellowship before the throne of the universe! Earth is the training ground, the battlefield, the refining fire that teaches and molds us towards all we aspire to: namely the pursuit of the Christ-fixated life!

Where is our will? Where do we see God's kingdom most clearly and where is it the hardest to spot? What can we do to spread His glory and His fame and His kingdom? Think and pray and when you have been shown the answer, seek and follow Him in all you do.


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