Sunday, August 31, 2008

Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

One night last winter while in my hotel room in the upper peninsula of Michigan I was watching TV. In fact I was watching an episode in a new series "Chuck". The story is about a guy who receives an email from his ex best friend who got him kicked out of Standford. The email contained images that burned themselves into our hero's brain, making him the container for all the CIA, NSA, etc information. Wow. So what does a secular TV show have to do with forgiveness? Well in this second episode, The doctor that was sent to help remove the images from Chuck's head was assassinated by a cellphone bomb. The NSA agent tasked with protecting our scaredy-cat, meek and mild "hero" (with capital quotes) convinces Chuck that it is the CIA agent who is protecting him (and posing as his girlfriend). In the ensuing hijinks, accusations are made, tempers flare, and the girl gets kidnapped by the doctor from the beginning of the episode who faked his own death as part of his diabolical plan to kidnap Chuck. Chuck and the NSA agent rush to rescue the girl and in the process Chuck himself disables the evil turncoat doctor and saves the day. At the end of the show, Chuck apologizes to the girl, and she apologizes to him and they forgive each other (thus leading to a further romance story embedded in the plot for the next who knows how many seasons that show will run).

My point is that forgiveness is an act that comes from the heart and the act of forgiveness brings healing. We must learn to forgive everyone who hurts us, regardless of how we feel at the moment and all our desires for vengeance. If we can not learn to forgive others, we can not enjoy the healing that it brings to us (who forgive) and them (who are forgiven). Yes forgiving someone else allows them to start the mending and healing process too, even when they have not asked for it.

Why must we forgive though? Sometimes it is so easy to simmer and boil and be bitter than to forgive. We must forgive because of all that God has forgiven us! That is the key. He forgave us for everything we have done to Him. All our sin, our breaking his heart daily, our disobedience, our betrayals, our hatred and disintrest, everything we have ever done wrong He has forgiven us. If we then turn around and choose to with-hold forgiveness from others, are we really thankful for His sacrifice? Are we really trying to do our best? Have we truly accepted His forgiveness?

God's grace is tremendous. It overflows with blessings in our lives, but we in turn have a responsibility to spread those blessings to those around us. There is more than we will ever use or need. This includes forgiveness. Christ's blood covers all and cleanses all. Your are forgiven, therefore forgive. You are blessed, therefore bless. You are loved, therefor love.


How can we sinners know
our sins on earth forgiven?
How can my gracious Savior show
my name inscribed in heaven?

Our nature's turned, our mind
transformed in all its powers,
and both the witnesses are joined,
the Spirit of God with ours.


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