Sunday, April 05, 2009

Hebrews 5:9 “And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,”

Are you perfect? Think back on all the events of even this day and attempt to think if it was all perfectly done. I know I am not perfect, and there is no way that I can ever be perfect. I mess up at work, I mess up trying to clean the house, I even mess up writing these devotionals. I make mistake after mistake, error after error and I can not be perfect. Jesus, however, was perfect. He never stepped out of line. He never spoke out of turn. He always did what was right. He never disobeyed His earthly parents and He never led His disciples astray. He astounded all those who heard Him and for them to even find Him guilty of anything they had to falsify witness against Him.

Because of His perfection, He was able to take the burden of all our sin, all our mistakes, all our errors, and all our faults on Himself and He became the source of eternal salvation as well as the entry-point into our new life (and perpetual guide there). Because He was perfect, He took our imperfections and said that we are now perfect through Him.

Because of Christ's sharing with us His perfection, we are all now held up to His standard, rather than the normal standards of our friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Sadly, despite our best efforts we do not measure up to the Standard of Jesus, but His grace covers over our failures. We must be making the effort though. We must be striving and trying and fighting to meet the standard that He has put in place. God's glory shines brightly when we strive to the best of our strength to live up to that standard. His glory shines brighter when we fall short and fail but then we get back up, apologize to those who saw or know of our failure, and then try again.

Christ's perfection has become yours, are you working with all of who you are to meet the benchmarks that Christ has placed for us? I pray that in all I do that I endeavor to meet these standards and that in your daily life you do too.

Inspire the living faith
(which whosoe'er receive,
the witness in themselves they have
and consciously believe),
the faith that conquers all,
and doth the mountain move,
and saves whoe'er on Jesus call,
and perfects them in love.


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