Sunday, June 07, 2009

Jeremiah 29:13 “Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Amplified)

I recently picked up my guitar after several weeks – actually closer to a month – of not practicing. After no more than a minute of attempting to play, my fingers were hurting and my guitar was making noises that no guitar should ever make. Why? I had not actively pursued guitar practice. If I practiced for only twenty minutes every day I would be much better than I am. Instead I practice in fits and spurts. I will practice every day for two or three days and I will play for half an hour or more. I will see myself making progress. After that, I always slow down, and eventually I just don't make time to practice any more. By the end of the week all the progress I made in those three days has all but disappeared and is now just a fond memory.

Many of us, myself included (or more correctly “myself leading the way”) seem to have this approach to God. We will binge on God and on our devotions. We will see tremendous progress in our life, but then other things seem to start taking more of our time and in a week or two, all that progress seems to have faded away.

Did we really make progress? Well we thought so. What I see as the progress I make in playing the guitar is a new chord or idea oh how to put chords together. Its not really that large of a leap, but to me it feels large. However because I don't maintain a rigorous practice schedule, I don't maintain it and I have to relearn that same thing again. That isn't progress. It is the same with Christ. If we do not retain it and actively use it rigorously then we have gone nowhere in our walk. We take a step forward and then take a step back.

What can we do to change this bad habit? What can we do? We need to inquire after God, to pursue Him and to seek Him with all our heart. We need to be active and determined in our life. We must not allow ourselves to slack off for anything or anyone. If it comes down to a choice between having my devotional time and my guitar practice time then I must choose devotions. If I have to decide between chatting with my friends online or on the phone or talking with God than I must neglect my friends and pursue God with no regrets about missing the conversation with that friend whom I have not seen in days/months/years. To avoid the trap of status quo, I must do everything I can to pursue God. If I do that, He promises that I will find Him and He will find me. Why don't you join me in dropping everything else in search after God

Seek the Lord who now is present, pray to One who is at hand.
Let the wicked cease from sinning, evildoers change their mind.
On the sinful God has pity; those returning God forgives.
This is what the Lord is saying to a world that disbelieves.


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