Sunday, May 02, 2010

Psalm 119:57-64: The Lord is Enough

Psalm 119:57 “The LORD is my portion; I promise to keep your words.”
Psalm 119:64 “The earth, O LORD, is full of your steadfast love; teach me your statutes!”

Driving home today, I saw lots of fences. Maybe its because I drive through the countryside everyday, but I do not normally notice all these fences. There were big fences and small fences. There were colorfull fences and bland fences. There were wooden fences and metal fences. Fences were everywhere! But why? Obviously fences are to either keep things out or in (or both). Some of the fences I drove past were for horse ranches, and those fences were to keep the horses confined. Some fences were for cattle and whose purpose was much the same as for the horses. Some fences were for farms and those fences were designed to keep people from going through the farmer's crops. Some fences were around houses and showed the boundaries of the property. Really then, fences show the boundaries of things. So what is with this whole thing about fences? I thought we were discussing the 119th psalm? Absolutely, but here we see the idea of a portion, a set place and set amount.

“The Lord is my portion” states that the Lord is my place, the Lord is my amount, the Lord is all I have and all I need. We see that God sets limits for His glory and for our sake. If God had not set the limits of the oceans, we would not have enough land to live on. God set the portion of the oceans to give a balance to the world so that land and sea life could exist in a mutually beneficial environment. (Job 38). When the children of Israel finally arrived in the promised land, God had the land portioned out to all the tribes and families, giving them their due. He gave exactly what they needed and no less. He gave the disciples their portions in life and in death, and they all were glad and proud to have all they needed in the Lord!

God himself is our portion. He is our land our boundary in life, our protection, our guidance, and our limits. As long as we place ourselves in a position to fully enjoy the full portion, the extent of life that God wants us to have we will easily have more than we could ever want! The problem comes when we don't see the value in our portion. We fall easily into temptation and fall away, but God's grace allows for this! For security in our portion, inside the place God has for us, we just need to find the pleasure in His word! His word teaches us His words which we have promised to keep. His word shows us the extent of the portion that God has for us. That portion which we oftentimes see as small and insignificant is in actuality so much larger than anything we could imagine! Remember God Himself has give us our inheritance, our portion, our setting!

So lets remember our portion is God, and God is more than enough. In a sense, we own God! We own his blessings in our life, His mercies in our life, His grace in our life, His chastisement in our life, His Glory is shown through our life (or is supposed to be)! If He has even given us a small fraction of Him, a fraction of infinity is still infinity! Lets pray and focus on turning our desire on Him and His word so we won't be distracted by the minuscule portions that the world offers us.

Spirit of God, descend upon my heart;
wean it from earth; through all its pulses move;
stoop to my weakness, mighty as thou art,
and make me love thee as I ought to love.


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