Sunday, December 05, 2010

Job 5:9 - Remembering His Miracles in our Lives

Job 5:9 “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” (NIV)

The men crept slowly and carefully through the undergrowth, up the slopes of the forested valley escarpment. The lights of their destination showed them the way. The children of the white oppressors would shock the colonial government into hearing the demands of freedom! Wait! Where did all those guards come from? There are too many guards!

The families and children of the minority tribes and the missionaries huddled in the room, praying, while outside drunken voices called out, while farm implements banged on the simple wooden door. The door did not, would not budge, despite the axes and hoes chopping at it!

The little boy cried and writhed in pain as his family tried to decide what to do. A kind local woman had told the missionaries that she could bring a man who could find who put the curse on the boy, but the family decided to pray instead. Then, they got into their vehicle and drove to another mission hospital that had the facilities to take care of the boy with the prolapsed bowel. When they arrived at the hospital and prepared to wheel the boy, everything was fine and normal!

It was still a week until payday and the bank account was empty. There was plenty of food in the cupboard, the clothes were all washed and dried, all the bills were paid. If the young man had not paid his tithe that last weekend at church he would be able to fill up his car, which was driving on a quarter tank of gas. That wouldn't last an entire week! With nothing else to do, the young man prayed that God would provide as He had promised. Driving to and from work for the rest of the week the empty tank light never came on despite the gas gauge hovering right above the red line all week!

He had to decide, he either had to move to someplace he could afford, or sign another contract to stay in his current apartment, but who's price had been increased passed what he could afford.  He had to make his decision and alert the apartment manager by the next morning. Praying about it, he went to church that night. A lady from church came up and offered him her family's garage apartment out of the blue!

The first story was of my high school, Rift Valley Academy, and was a favorite story we would hear again and again. The Mau Mau rebels for some reason decided to come attack RVA during the conflict. The school did not have any idea what was happening and so didn't prepare for it. After all, who would attack a school for missionary children? Later one of the rebels supposedly asked where all the guards at the school came from, and no one knew what he was talking about.  Now, no one knows for sure if the story is true or not since there is no way to verify if it happened or who was involved.  We would often hike down into the forest to some caves that the Mau Mau supposedly hid in to make chai and tell stories though. God has worked that way before.

The second story is about Tenwek hospital in Kenya, where my sister was born. During a troubled period in Kenya, some rabble-rousers got the majority tribe mobbed up to “cleanse” the minority tribes and people out of the area. God protected everyone at the hospital. There is no physical or earthly explanation as to why a simple wooden door on cheap hinges did not break or get cut through despite hours worth of axes, hoes, and batterings.

The third story is of my younger brother. The fourth and fifth stories are of me - both things which happened in the last three years.  It is amazing how God's mighty hand provides everything we need, from protection, to healing, to provision! Those are some of my stories, but each of you has some to tell as well no matter if you know it or not.

During this time of year, it is good for us to look back and see all the miracles that God has done in our lives. It is important that we remind ourselves of all that God has shown us, taught us, and provided for us.  Our Lord has promised to care for us and this is one of the ways He keeps His promises. Other times it may involve people. I can guarantee you that Rocco and Eleanor did not know what was going on in my life when they offered their garage apartment to me. We need to remember and remind ourselves of what has gone on in our lives because it becomes all too easy to take it for granted and lose perspective.  God's miracles in our lives are there for us, not for Him. They remind us and draw us closer to Him. When we but think of all that He has done in our lives, it is staggering! It goes so far beyond “more than enough” that we can't really and truly begin to describe just how far beyond “enough” it is!

So this week, lets think about His miracles and wonders that have popped up in our lives. Lets give Him thanks again for all that He has done in our lives and in our family's lives.

He holds the winds in his hand
and he is the great I Am
He is the bright and morning star
and without him I would fall

What a mighty God we serve
what a mighty god we serve
Angels bow before Him
Heaven and earth adore Him
What a mighty God we serve.


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