Sunday, July 03, 2011

Psalm 62:7-8, Celebrating Dependence

Psalm 62:7-8 “My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, I people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.”

We admire independent people. Our heroes are people who manage to succeed on their own without help, people who take care of themselves. We look up to people like John Wayne and Clint Eastwood's movie characters. We want to emulate them and be like them. We want to be independent, not needing anything from anyone.

For believers, followers of Christ, our strength, our desire, our lives are all based on our dependence. We depend on God and we know it well! While some may point to David and say “There was an independent man who followed God.” We look and see that David himself was totally dependent on God. When he faced Goliath David said “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” (1 Samuel 17:37) David knew that he was not alone, that God was with him in his endeavors.

We celebrate our dependence, our reliance on God. We know that this is the only way to truly live. It changes our lives and the lives around us for the better. No longer do we think that we are alone in this world, but we perceive that we have companionship, true and honest companionship. God walks with us every step - catching each tear, sharing each laugh, steadying us when we stumble, offering advice when we are stumped – and we can count on His always being there.

Not just that we walk with God, but we realize that we walk with all those who also walk with God. We can depend on them, and they can depend on us!  Believers of every race, nation, and continent are joined together constantly through Christ. When one believer is having trouble, God often works through another believer to help take care of it!  All followers of Christ in the end truly are siblings! We may squabble amongst ourselves but in the end it always turns out that it is us and God for the world and beyond.

This week, lets remind ourselves about our dependence on God rather than our independence from man. God is our Joy, our Grace, our Cause, our Honor. The Lord is our provider, our reminder, our enabler, and our paramour. Everything we go through, He goes through, and there is nothing He does not share with us.  This week, lets relearn to live by the grace of God through the grace of God, becoming anew a bright and shining beacon of God's mercy to the world!

How wonderful it is to walk with God
Along the road that holy men have trod;
How wonderful it is to hear Him say:
Fear not, have faith, ’tis I who lead the way!

How wonderful it is to talk with God
When cares sweep o’er my spirit like a flood;
How wonderful it is to hear His voice,
For when He speaks the desert lands rejoice!

How wonderful ’twill be to live with God
When I have crossed death’s deep and swelling flood;
How wonderful to see Him face to face
When I have fought the fight and won the race!
                                                    Theodore H. Kitching, 1915


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