Psalm 35:27 - What It Is All About
Psalm 35:27 "May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, 'The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.'"
This past week, I heard a well respected pastor say something that really struck a chord in me. He said "It is not about you or me, It is all about God." I realized that this particular phrase really explains and identifies our daily walk with God. It succinctly describes a Christian's life.
When we work for a company, every company has a slogan, a purpose phrase, a goal that they indoctrinate their workers with. This purpose statement is designed to accurately reflect the direction the company is trying to take. This statement, this mission statement is supposed to be the guiding catchphrase that everyone rallies around. We as believers have so many verses pulled out that we don't really know which one is our purpose statement. Jesus said "I have come to..." many times in the Gospel. He came to heal the sick and raise the dead, He came that we might have life and life everlasting, He came to fulfill the law, etc. He told the disciples to go into Judea and heal the sick, raise the dead, make the lame walk, and cast out demons in His name. He later told them to go and make disciples in all the world. Every single one of us can point to a specific verse and say that this was the primary job assigned to the church and have a good reason for it. The best verse that I can point to at this moment, however that really gives a good purpose statement for us is in Luke 2:49 and is in the New King James Version, where Jesus had separated from His parents and they found Him in the temple, when they questioned Him, He merely responded "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?" This of course shows us the way.
We are followers of Christ and His business is our business, His desires are our desires, and His goals are our goals. Therefore not only is it our goal to be all about the Lord's business, much like Jesus was, but it is also how we need to treat each other. When we remember that it is all about God and His honor, His glory, and His love then of course nothing can really be about us. We rejoice in every little thing that shows God's glory. We appreciate every tid bit that shows His grandeur. We love seeing His honor made known, and we stand in awe at there mere suggestion of His power. It is all about God.
When we think of everything being about God, then we realize that everything that has happened to us is merely a means to an end, a stepping off point, our previous life and it is fully through God's power that we are not there again. When we realize that it is all about God then how we act towards each other reflects that. No longer do we want to be ill mannered towards anyone, but rather we want to showcase God's manners for them. If there is any aspect of our lives that does not showcase God then I have yet to think of it or find it! Even the meanest and dirtiest of jobs, tasks, and daily living is a small example of God. How wonderful! How awesome! How amazing!
This week then, lets do our best to remember that it is not about you or I but that it is instead about God, all about God and we are merely the tools He chooses to use.
Lord God, whose grace has called us to Thy service,
How good Thy thoughts toward us, how great their sum!
We work with Thee, we go where Thou wilt lead us,
Until in all the earth Thy kingdom come.
Shepherd Knapp, 1907.
How good Thy thoughts toward us, how great their sum!
We work with Thee, we go where Thou wilt lead us,
Until in all the earth Thy kingdom come.
Shepherd Knapp, 1907.
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