Sunday, February 11, 2007

Genesis 18:27 “And Abraham replied, "Now behold, I have ventured to speak to the Lord, although I am but dust and ashes.”

God was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for they were evil. They were the most decadent cities and God was going to destroy them. God first stopped by Abram’s - excuse me, Abraham’s house to tell him that in one year he would have a son. Then in verses 17 and 18, The LORD said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, since Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed?” God decided to tell Abraham about the destruction of Sodom. Now, Abraham knew God. Abraham walked with God. Abraham had spoken with God earlier and knew God’s love of humanity, and now here God is going to destroy cities of people! Not only is God going to destroy just two evil cities, but one of those was the city in which Abraham’s own nephew, Lot, resided in! Abraham was in a quandary. Abraham did not know what to do? This loving, kind, awesome, all-powerful God was going to destroy hundreds of people! Abraham must have mustered his courage and decided to talk to God. “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?” Abraham bartered with God, but not for himself or his own desires, but rather for these people whom God was going to destroy.

Abraham abased and humbled himself before his creator for others, and he managed to convince God to spare the cities if there were even 10 God-fearing people in Sodom.

There was Lot, his wife, his two daughters and their engaged “sons-in law”, his sons, and their friends. Well, Lot, his wife, the two daughters and future husbands all equal six people. The bible does not mention the number of sons that Lot had, but for the sake of argument the minimum number of sons that Lot could have and still use the plural designation is two. That makes eight people. What about all the people that Lot could have witnessed to? What about the friends and neighbours? What about the son’s (possible) wives?

If Lot had done his job of witnessing to people, if lot had lived as Abraham lived and walked with God, there would have been enough people to meet the minimum requirements to spare the city.

Yet God is awesome. What was the purpose of destroying Sodom and Gomorrah? Was it to provide an object lesson to the other cities near by? Was it to provide a chance for an object lesson? Was it because these cities did not tithe or worship Him? We know the cities around that area worshiped God because of the priest-king Melchizedek’s role as a High Priest of God.

I have this sneaking inkling that God told Abraham about the planned destruction to test Abraham. Would Abraham say “as you wish, for you are God Almighty and have ownership of all your creation” or would Abraham strive to protect his fellow men from God’s wrath? Abraham chose the second option. Abraham walked with God and knew God’s heart and so he did what he could to save the people who had yet to acknowledge God from death. It took courage, it took guts, it took a knowledge of God. One thing that really amazes me in this story is that God listened to Abraham. God really did not want to destroy the city either. God was going to let Abraham set the price on the cities’ lives. Abraham set the price, and Lot gave the answer.

What is God letting us do in our lives for him? Do we like lot have the opportunity to save people and yet not? Do we try and walk with God and intercede for our fellow men like Abraham?

Lord, let me be an instrument of your will, let me have the courage to stand up to others who are in blatant disregard of you. Allow me the privilege of preparing their lives for you. Lord please do not end their time on earth before they have a chance to know you. Amen.


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