Sunday, March 11, 2007

Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

One of my professors tells this story of when he was working in the aviation industry: It was a cold winter day and at this aircraft repair facility, work was going on as usual. An aircraft sitting out on the ramp needed something done, and so one of the mechanics was dispatched out to the aircraft, but this mechanic needed his tools, so he grabbed his tool box, an 80 lb red tool box that he then carried out to the aircraft. Between this mechanic and the airplane however, was a patch of ice that no one knew about. The mechanic stepped onto the ice and of course slipped. The tool box also came down, right on top of the mechanic’s stomach. The weight of the toolbox assisted with gravity managed to drive the toolbox down until it touched the man’s spine and yet none of the man’s internal organs were damaged! The toolbox had landed on his spine.

The man, lying on the ground has a family to feed, house payments to make, car payments, the whole gamut. What a disaster!

But God works everything out. As long as we put our faith in God and trust Him to know best, things tend to work out. In all things God has a plan. God had a plan for Joseph when he was thrown into the pit and sold into slavery. God had a plan for David when he was on the run from Saul. God knew what he was doing when Daniel was taken from his home and had to work for the king. God knew Esther and what she would go through. God knew about the blind man, born blind from birth. God even had a plan for Peter and his night of apostasy!

How amazing is this that our God not only lets us make our own mistakes, but already has a plan to use those same mistakes to bring further glory to him! If Jonah had not run from God, we would not have that book in the Bible. If Saul of Tarsus had not tried to destroy the early Christians, we would not have him as an example of how God can change a person!

One of my friends was feeling sad. He was up in the early hours of the morning and happened to see outside not more than 3 feet before his face a small bird struggling with a worm, trying to get breakfast. At that moment, my friend was reminded of Matthew 6:26-30 and he was relieved and joyful.

Awesome and Mighty is our God, the Lord of the starry hosts, who knows even the ants by name, and uses the birds and worms to His glory!

This mechanic who had the toolbox fall on him was to go into surgery for back problems the next week. Already he had a bad back, and yet, the way the toolbox fell, it landed with such precision that it fixed his back and surgery was unnecessary! The doctors were amazed as were the co-workers. This man has not had major back problems since. Truly God does work in strange ways. He does turn the worst of events to His glory!

Where is God working in our life? Where is the opening for His glory to shine? While it may not be as big as a toolbox landing on you and curing you, He is working in you to bring Himself glory. Let us therefore allow God’s glory to shine in all events for we do not know how or why He is working, we just know that he is working.

To God be the glory for ever and ever Amen.


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