Sunday, May 20, 2007

Deuteronomy 30: 1-3 “So it shall be when all of these things have come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind in all nations where the LORD your God has banished you, 2 and you return to the LORD your God and obey Him with all your heart and soul according to all that I command you today, you and your sons, 3 then the LORD your God will restore you from captivity, and have compassion on you, and will gather you again from all the peoples where the LORD your God has scattered you.”

A story is told of a young girl in the Eastern block during the communist regime. This young girl was brought up in the Christian faith, and so was reviled by her teachers. Staunchly, she stood her ground, fighting battle after battle with her communist teacher and her communist peers. This young girl would frequently go home from school in tears. Hated for her belief, belittled by all those around her, and discouraged by the lack of support she received from her own home, all she could do was pray and thank God for His love and faith. Christ encompassed her, Christ surrounded her. He was the only thing that kept her going.

One day, the teacher and this young girl made a bet. This girl would pray for something she needed and tell no one of her prayer. If she received the item then the teacher would stop all the problems at school. This was a chance for the girl to prove her God! She was ecstatic!

She went home every day from school and prayed. But nothing happened. One week passed, and nothing. A second week later and still more nothing. The girl started becoming discouraged. Was God real? Was He there? She believed in Him and if He was real, then He would answer. He promised!

She kept praying stubbornly, hoping that He would help her. More nothing came. She started loosing faith. She decided that she would pray one last time. If nothing came of that, God did not exist and her teacher was right. She prayed.

God is faithful in all things. The strength that kept this girl praying, that stubbornness helped her grow up a strong Christian in communist Romania. She learned that prayer works and became a prayer warrior. God has used her mightily since then; she was His witness bringing His name to her classmates, her teacher, her community, and deepening the waning faith of her parents.

She prayed for shoes. That day in the mail a box came to her house from overseas. A box containing shoes and undergarments and other feminine products that she was in need of, but her family could not afford due to their status as Christians. Every garment, socks, shoes, and all fit as though they were custom made for her.

The day she started praying, a nice couple from overseas (who had met this Romanian family) felt led by God to mail this girl a care package. They guessed on all the sizes based on their own daughter.

To know Christ is to follow Him and trust that He knows exactly what He is doing. God uses others to minister to us and He uses us to minister to others. God restored our soul from captivity in the world and brings us together in fellowship before His throne. Christians in Romania, believers in Sudan, Christians in America, believers in Korea, all are gathered before His throne, fellowshipping in His spirit and truth.

If we are strident in our search for Him, He is certain to be with us and to guide us in all we do.

Faithful Shepherd, feed me
In the pastures green;
Faithful Shepherd, lead me
Where Thy steps are seen.

Hold me fast, and guide me
In the narrow way;
So, with Thee beside me,
I shall never stray.


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