Sunday, July 22, 2007

Psalms 40:2 “He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.”

I was recently talking to a friend whom I have not seen for nearly a year. We were planning a get together since both of us (and probably a couple of other mutual friends) were going to be in the same area at one time this summer. One of the activities we discussed was about visiting a corn maze. Now a Corn maze is just that -- a maze that is cut out of one of the many corn fields in the Mid-west. To get through it, one just needs to walk through it, following the twists and turns and avoiding the dead ends. These mazes are fairly simple, but the corn is tall enough that you can not see over it and figure out the maze ahead of time. You have to take each turn, each corner as it comes.

Later I was thinking about the twists, turns, and trails that we follow in life. Just because we see footprints in the ground leading towards one path, that path may not be the correct one to get to the exit. As we follow a selected path in the maze of life, we do not know how many turns we will make, we do not even know if this is the correct way, but there is something about the way that draws our attention, and our footsteps become joined with those of everyone else who followed that path.

God, however, has promised to lead us, to show us His way which is the righteous way. It may not be the easy way, it may not be the nice way, but it is the Holy way. God promises that if we listen to Him, that we obey Him, and we that we trust Him, then He will show us the way and He will help us out of the muck and mire that sucks us down. This is the same muck and mire created by the tremendous number of footsteps following their own desires, their own wishes, and their own ideas. Through out it all, Christ is there for us.

Through each perplexing care and strife,
That marks the checkered path of life,
My Savior’s guiding hand I see,
And know that still He leadeth me.


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