Sunday, September 16, 2007

John 14:6 “ Jesus said to him, 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but through me.'”

One sentence, two statements, three claims, and four matters of fact, and twelve astonished disciples. In this one sentence, Christ drew the line for all humanity. This is where He stands, and to what we need to react to.

Jesus stated two things: one statement was that was He was the way, the truth, and the life; the other was He was the only way to get to God the Father. These two statements would alienate him from all of humanity then, and now.

For Christ to claim that He was “The Way” was for Him to say that what He taught and spoke of was how everyone should be, no matter what their station in life. To be “The Way” was for him to claim direct access to God and He was to be our intercessor. It is a claim stating that there is no other method to get to heaven.

“The Truth” meant that He was the ultimate “fact.” The word used here for “truth” was “aletheia” which objectively means “the reality lying at the basis of an appearance; the manifested, veritable essence of a matter” and subjectively means “that candour of mind which is free from affection, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit.” Jesus claimed to be the ultimate reality, the constant in our world that never changes no matter what point of view that we choose to use. Thus, it doesnt matter what we believe to be true, or what we think is true. The only thing that matters is that He is True, because everything else is false when compared to Him (unless it comes from Him).

“The Life” refers to the peace that He gives, the patience in all situations, the love that passes understanding that He bestows on us. The Life refers to Him and how He lived, what we should emulate and base our understanding of God and ourselves off of. His Way is Truth. His Truth brings Life. His Life is eternal. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He does not change, and He loves us all. He tells us that we must believe and rely on Him. He is our intercessor to God, our complete reality, and our Goal.

Christ laid it down for us. The only way to meet the Father, the Creator, and our God is through Him. Through His death, we can live a Life of Truth following His Way. The disciples did not understand this yet. Christ spoke of the future to them. He spoke beyond their heads, but they could grasp the very basis of what He taught, they understood it well enough that Peter could tell Christ “You are the very Son of God”

As a friend wrote to me in a letter, “It's one thing to know about God, it's another thing to 'know' Him personally and intimately. Its like a secret hand shake, only those who know God get in the door to heaven.” We know God because we know His Son.

Do we realize that Jesus is our way to know God? Our Truth to deliver us from the bondage and guilt of sins past? Our Life lived abundantly in worship and praise to Him by the virtue of our rebirth by His blood and the blessings He bestows on us daily?

Lord, I love You, I pursue You;
No person, object in this life can e'er match You.
Lord, I love You, I run after You;
You are my life, my aim, my goal and future too.
Lord, who have I in heaven but You;
There's none on earth I desire but You;
I give my heart, Lord, now to You;
Lord make me a drink offering here to satisfy You.


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