Sunday, October 28, 2007

James 1:2-4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

In reading the scripture, I asked the Lord what is it that I lack that would cause me to have to wait? Then the Lord came with the truth which was ‘consistency’ and I was like “that is to much at one time, I struggle with large doses of the truth at one time, I need it in parts!” So I further asked him to break it down because I need understanding. I know that I wrote this note earlier, but I was to be corrected and in the midst of it, the Lord led me to read a few other passages that shook me up pretty good.

See the issue here is consistency but I/we struggle with that on a day to day basis. A lot of times, we walk as the Israelites through the desert in our Christian walk. In Hebrew 11:1 “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Also it says without faith it is impossible to please God. If we are given a measure of faith and we look at faith as a talent from one of Jesus’ parables, then we must cultivate and grow our faith. How do we grow our faith? We must invest our faith in the Word and things of God. Meditating on his laws and precepts, spending time with him to discern his desires, and then live and walk accordingly. Often times we just live in the hope of faith, without the evidence that can be accredited to us as righteousness.

By faith Noh built the ark, and that was accredited to him as righteousness. It is safe to say that if we are inconsistent in the faith we are being unrighteous. How can God bless unrighteousness, inconsistency? One minute you are all for him and the next you are against him. It is like watching the fans in football. One minute the Dolphins are up with a 7 point lead, the crowd is screaming, the fans are happy, shouting and praising the Dolphins. As soon as the opposing team takes over with a 21 point lead at the last quarter lead, the fans start cursing their home team, and throwing their 30 dollar caps down and stepping on it. Then they tear their shirts and throw garbage at their home team. In this same way that is what unrighteousness looks like. We say “God why?” and we become unstable in what we do, one minute we cheer him on and the next we scorn him, because of what the circumstances seem like.

In Psalm 85. It says that righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps. Can we remain steadfast and immovable with God, that our investment of faith in him, putting out hope in him stepping out on faith in him prepares the way for him to step deep in our situation and in our life whatever our need is. In Psalm 65:1 “Praise awaits you oh God”. Can praise await him as we sleep and meet him when we wake? Jacob fought with the angel to be blessed not knowing what the blessing was going to be, but he needed one so bad he would not let go of the angel. Like wise, we should remain consistent in praise, worship, and adoration in God until He blesses us, investing our faith in His word, and moving the mountains and moving on his promises, and principles of the kingdom. In Psalm 65: 5 "You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness." What are your deeds of faith that they require His deeds of awesome righteousness?

How do you prepare the way for the Lord steps to enter in your situation? How will he find you? Will he find you like Adam? “Where are you?” Or will he find you like He did Daniel, with the angel Gabriel, “Daniel from the moment you open your mouth your prayers were answered, O highly esteemed in heaven”. Daniel was met on his knees still holding onto the word of God. Psalm 62: 5 - 6my soul waits only on the Lord and my expectation is from him, I will be immovable”. Time is the only thing that proves consistency, better said time proves the consistency of character.

Consistency in the faith is so Crucial in Hosea 6:4 “What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah, Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears.”

How do we expect God to show up in judgment or in blessing. Inconsistency in the faith leads to unrighteous living; I say this meaning that inconsistent faith is saying “Lord I would rather believe the world than you right now because you are not moving in my life, I can’t hear you, you don’t care, so I am going this way.” That way des not occur without consequences.

Righteous living says “Lord I come to seek you and find you in your word and in my heart and mind, I come to love you despite my circumstance. I come to praise you and I need you to work in my life. I can’t escape this, but like you said to Sarah, ‘Is there nothing to hard for God!’” With Christ the price is paid there is only inheritance.

-Andalino S. in Nassau, Bahamas


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