Sunday, September 02, 2007

Mark 6:8-9 “And He instructed them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a mere staff – no bread, no bag, no money in their belt – 9but to wear sandals; and He added, ‘Do not put on two tunics.’”

I have an acquaintance, lets call him Jason. Jason is a wonderful man of God, wholly dedicated to our Lord. From what I know of Jason, he has no job save proclaiming Christ to whomever he can. He is called to stand for God in whatever capacity he can. This means that he preaches on street corners, he chats and discusses and prays on the internet chat sites, he is part of many chat cells and various group sites where he functions as a leader, a confident, a friend, and Christ’s witness. He has brought many to a saving knowledge of Christ, yet he cares not for his own well-being. Last week, he emailed me to remind me to thank God and to encourage me in understanding God’s providence.

Jason had no food and had not eaten in several days. He had no money in the house to pay for food. His brother called, also a Christian and told Jason that God had told him (the brother) to wire Jason some money. Jason’s brother sent $100, enough for Jason to meet all his needs for that week. Jason had made no mention of his predicament, he never spoke about his situation until he emailed me.

He reminded me that God provides for us to meet our needs. God does this in many ways, not just generous gifts from people, but through thoughts, cares, and prayers as well as through providing us with a means to attain what we need in some other way.

I needed a vehicle capable of transporting my worldly goods from Texas to whatever place my not-yet-attained job would send me. I was fully prepared to have to sell my little car and take out a loan to make a down payment on a pickup truck. A couple from another church heard about my need of vehicle and gave me their old van because they were unable to drive much and did not need three vehicles. God provided a vehicle for me.

I needed a place to stay while looking for a job. My parents were on home-assignment, and I could stay with them. When they left to return to the mission field, I was able to reside with my grandparents. God provided a place to stay.

I needed a job, my reserve funds were starting to run perilously low, and it seemed that no matter where I applied I could not get a job. God provided a job for me just this past week.

Christ sent His disciples out with nothing more than the clothes on their back. He sent them out to preach His name. He sent them out with nothing because God would provide for them. Their service to him was enough. If they took anything with them, it would merely distract them from Him. They would worry about the things necessary to life. Here, the disciples are forced to rely on God to provide, and thus they were to be freed from hindrance.

God provides, not always spectacularly like with Jason during this past week. Sometimes, His provision is the most normal thing that could happen in our life such as being able to stay with parents and relatives while searching for a job. Let us trust God to provide what is needed. Sometimes what we want may not be what we need. I thought I needed a truck to move my stuff, yet God gave me a van. I think I needed a van more than I needed a truck. Why? I do not know, but God does. Trust God, rely on God, and let Him prove Himself.

Lord, we adore thy bounteous hand,
And sing the solemn feast
Where sweet celestial dainties stand
For every willing guest.


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