Sunday, February 24, 2008

Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

The sermon on the mount was once called (by a former pastor of mine) the greatest moral sermon ever preached. It gave everything that we needed to live a Godly life. Every minute detail of our daily lives was addressed from the qualities of a follower of Christ to missionary work, from love and divorce to authority and worry. The beatitudes in the sermon on the mount are the qualities of the follower of Christ, but those have already been addressed, mostly. The last two verses in the beatitudes are the consequences of having the previous seven qualities.

Blessed (Happy or fulfilled) are those who are persecuted. Why should persecution be happy? It is not; being persecuted is no fun. It is horrible and painful, yet we are not called to be joyful in persecution, it is persecution for righteousness' sake. When you add in that we are suffering because of our search for righteousness, then it starts to make sense. It is only through persecution that we can be brought to a closer understanding of Christ. A closer understanding of Christ and what He went through makes us love Him all the more. James talks about suffering and being steadfast (James 1:2-4) because it is through the suffering that God provides for us that we might lack for nothing. If we are not persecuted, how could God's glory be shown? God's glorification is paramount in everything. He loves us and it is for His glory and for His name's sake that He blesses us.

Look at the end of the verse. It reflects word for word the very first blessing and the first step towards being more Christ like. The poor in spirit are blessed because they will see the kingdom of heaven (vs 3). It is through being poor in spirit that we begin being persecuted. When we realize the depths of our depravity, we begin being attacked and hurt. It is through our afflictions that we are brought closer to God (2 Corinthians 8:1-2). It is through suffering and torment that the world shows its hate for Christ. If we are to be like Christ, the world will hate us. It is through persecution that the glory of God is truly shown as well. The more we become like Christ, the more we are hounded by this world. The more we are harassed, the more of God's glory will be shown, the more of His glory that is shown, the closer we can come to Christ.

It is through our torment that we can encourage others (1 Thessalonians 1:6-7) and it is through their encouragement that they can go and be stronger Christians. Our persecution then leads to our personal growth as well as the growth of others, even when we do not realize it!

The glory and the workings of God become more pronounced and we will be able to see His kingdom growing throughout our problems. It is through events that are clearly out of our control that God draws attention to Him, and He loves it when we cast everything on Him. His strength is there for us, His glory enboldens us, His love encompasses us, His mercy leads us, and His creation awes us. It is all Him. Thank you God! Please lead me on and take me further in my walk with you! Although the road may be rocky and the path difficult, You will help me and guide me! Thank you!

Through days of toil when heart doth fail,
God will take care of you;
When dangers fierce your path assail,
God will take care of you.

No matter what may be the test,
God will take care of you;
Lean, weary one, upon His breast,
God will take care of you.


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