Sunday, February 17, 2008

Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

The problem with peace is that most people confuse it with calm. We say the world is at peace when we mean that things are still and there is calm and quiet. Peace can exist in such calm, in such quiet, or in such stillness. In fact it is only in such stillness that we are able to come to a more profound understanding of God (Psalm 46:10) yet peace is instead a balance, a lack of contention, a lack of discord. Peace can be found in the most hectic of situations or the most worrying of times. Peace is the inner serenity when everything else is falling to pieces. Peace is there when even in the busiest or most traumatic of times there is harmony and poise, patience and understanding, kindness and love.

Oh to be a maker of such situations! Where there is trouble or strife, we could go in ad change the friction to understanding and mutual comprehension. Where there is argument, we could change it to vocal eloquence and all involved could walk away satisfied. Wait! We are called to be peacemakers in this, the last characteristic of the Christ-follower given in the beatitudes. Physically, a peacemaker brings peace to all situations he or she is involved in. Physically a peacemaker is a child of God because they show His nature in every aspect of themselves. I am a child of my father. I have his nose, his facial features, and I even walk similarly according to some people from his church when he was my age. I resemble my dad, and so it is with us and our spiritual father. We start to share His attributes!

Spiritually a peacemaker brings peace to their own lives. They are able to be calm in the storms and fights between righteousness and worldliness, Godliness and selfishness. The peacemaker meets every obstacle with the full knowledge of Christ standing with him or her. Only a true child of God is able to bring closure to the constant inner battle.

We as children of God aspire to be this peacemaker. Here is the final attribute and it combines all the other attributes. The peacemaker brings together the physical and the spiritual to create a melody of thanks, and live a life of glory to God. To be a peacemaker, one has already taken their poorness of spirit and mourned over their failures. They have been able to overcome their inherently sinful nature and show themselves meek to God's will. They thirst after everything that comes from God and show mercy to everyone in everything they do. Their hearts are sanctified and purified and they are able to hold on to Christ's promises and walk confidently in their security as children of God. We are adopted heirs of God! We are already children of God! It only leaves us to acquire His features and His attributes which will come with time. We have the certainty of God's word on this! All we need to do is spend the time with Him.

How then can we bring closure and balance to every part of our lives? How can we take God's presence and make it visible in all we do? This is the only way we can bring peace to the battleground that is our heart and mind and soul. Christ is the only one who can bring peace to our lives so we can then carry this peace to those around us.

Peace, doubting heart! my God’s I am;
Who formed me man, forbids my fear;
The Lord hath called me by my name;
The Lord protects, for ever near;
His blood for me did once atone,
And still He loves and guards His own.


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