Sunday, August 24, 2008

Matthew 6:13 “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

Television glare draws our eyes to the latest advertisement. Driving we are bombarded with billboards telling us what we want. The radio blares between songs saying one more thing to add to our collection of stuff before it is completed. We are continuously being tempted to buy more, do more, be more, and have more.
We are weak when it comes to temptation. If you do not believe me, walk down the aisles of a supermarket and even though you only needed to buy milk, maybe you bought bread (because it was on sale) and eggs (because you were nearly out) as well. Maybe you bought filters for the coffee machine because you might use it more than you though. Whoops! Sugar is needed for your baking and coffee (to go with the milk) and so you go get sugar. Oh look! Fresh brownies! That will make a nice addition to supper tonight. Of course its just something special to add to the otherwise plain meal. We are able to rationalize every little fall into “minor” temptation. I say minor because it is not sinful to buy food and produce, but this is getting away from the point. We are tempted continuously and we oftentimes without thought fall into it and rationalize it away! We need God to be there to hep guide us away from sinful temptation. He knows just how much we can stand and He has promised not to allow more than He knows we are able to resist to come at us. I wonder at the faith that God has in us. It oftentimes feels like He thinks I can handle more than I think I can, yet I must remind myself that He knows best – like a coach yelling at me to run one more lap, to add one more weight, to do one more push-up when I am shaking and hurting already.

The most precious part of this prayer though is for deliverance. “Deliver us from evil.” Temptation and deliverance go hand in hand - Sin and Redemption, Falling and being helped up, flagging and being pushed and pulled onwards. Deliverance is freely offered to us and we pray that despite all the temptations that come our way, all the faults and failures and sins that try us, that God will provide a way out and a way to escape. His loving arms hold the shield behind which we hide. All we must do is run towards Him. We fall down, but He picks us up despite the blood and gore, despite the dirt and mud in which we are now covered. He picks us up and dusts us off and gives us a bath and cleans us up.
His grace endures despite our intermittent faults. His mercy is constant.

Father thank you! Lord we praise you for your tremendous love for us. You let us do as we will, not as you want us to do, but you stand by us and are there to help us no matter what, no matter the disappointments we bring to you! How glorious you are! Teach us to do better, guide us and ground us further in your will. Help us to follow more closely. Thank you Father.

Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing;
Fill our hearts with joy and peace;
Let us each, thy love possessing,
Triumph in redeeming grace.
O refresh us, O refresh us,
Traveling through this wilderness.


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