Sunday, October 19, 2008

Matthew 6:25 "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?”

I am a worrier. To some extent we all are. One of the happiest people I know is this wheel-chair bound, sickly woman who also has a speech impediment. She needs people to wheel her around, she needs someone to translate her mutterings so that others can understand what she is trying to say, she even needs people to take care of her at home! Despite all this, she still rejoices in the provision of the Lord in her life. She is continuously grateful for everything and continuously encouraging others.

One of the most unhappy people I know is a healthy, capable man who is married with two children. He worries about everything though. He worries about his income, he worries about the price of gas, he worries about the doctors bills, the temperature, the seasons, the rainfall, about his and his family's clothing lasting. He worries about the every noise his car makes, he worries about the rest of us doing a good job, he worries about everything, and he worries too much.

Now most of us probably fall somewhere between these two people. This woman trusts God to provide every need, every want, every singe thing in her life and she is totally content. The man doesn't trust God to provide and he is highly unhappy.

For me, I should think about the things I can control rather than worry about what I can't. In all cases, I should give it over to God. “Worry makes Miserable” and so instead I shall pray about it and allow Him to glorify Himself by taking care of it in such a manner that I never could. God is capable of worrying about far more than me, and He can do something about it. Why then should I worry or be in doubt?

God opens wide His hand,
In this our native land,
Year after year.
From His abundant store
He giveth evermore,
“Pressed down and running o’er,”
Our hearts to cheer.


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