Sunday, December 07, 2008

Matthew 6:32 “For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.”

I have doing a lot of waiting in airports recently, in fact, with these long-haul transcontinental flights, I have also been spending a lot of time sitting next to perfect strangers in the airplanes I was waiting for in the airport! People are always talking too, in airports, in the airplanes, at work, in the bus, in the que for the ticket agent, in the line at the grocery store, etc. The noise of thousands of voices all talking and complaining and wishing at the same time is a tremendous din! Each and every one of these voices is an anxious voice, a worrying voice. The children are complaining about the trip and wanting it to be over, or begging their parents for “the most awesome new toy ever!” The adults are discussing their views on economics and politics, wondering if their savings account will hold up, if their job is secure, worrying that the politicians are going to somehow manage to destroy whatever smidgen of pride is left to the “common folk.” Some guys are worrying that they are getting out of shape and won't be able to attract “the babes” while some of the girls are complaining about the musclebound oafs that parade in front of them. No one is content, no one is still, no one seeks personal centered-ness and contentment with what they have already.

Jesus reminds us that no one is different, no one at all. Everyone has the same worries and same fears. Everyone questions His provision and worries about everything that they can't control. I know that I do. He reminds us of another important thing, however, besides how alike everyone is. Christ reminds us that our Heavenly Father knows already that we need them all. If God already knows everything I need, in totality, why should I worry? What fears do I have that are truly founded? God knows already and will meet each need in such time as He has set aside to meet it. God provides everything that is in our best interests as He sees it (which is usually contrary to what is in our best interest as we see it).

God knows already and has already planned and charted out exactly what He will do to meet our needs...but do we have the faith and the trust to ask Him and then leave everything in His hands while we forget about it? I hope and pray that someday you and I will be able to do so in everything.

O Lord, all glorious, Life of life!
To Thee we raise our grateful song;
Lift up our souls from thoughts of self
To Thee, to Whom all lives belong.

Below all depths Thy mercy lies,
Above all heights Thy love ascends;
Thy providence our path surrounds,
Thy watchful care each step attends.

From Thee all good desires proceed,
All holy thoughts we gain from Thee;
The good we do is Thine alone,
Thine shall our heart’s thanksgiving be.


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