Sunday, October 12, 2008

Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

How direct and to the point our Savior was in this statement! I was talking to a lady with whom I used to work with while I worked in my college campus library. We were talking about my work and I was complaining about the usual griefs – long hours, too much paperwork, and the paycheck not being quite competitive for our industry. She surprised me by stating “It sounds like you have a spirit of greed.” It was a shocker to me, because I had not quite thought of it in that way. After all, I merely wanted to earn a more fair value for the responsibilities I had to carry. She continued “As long as God continues to provide for all your needs, why should you want any more?”

It caused me to think and I had to agree. God has provided most bountifully for me. Why I should worry about things beyond my control is not right, wanting more than I have been given for the sake of having more is greed!

I remembered that the original word in this passage was “mammon” instead of “money.” Mammon was a Greek word meaning avarice and greed. When this is taken into account, the passage reads “you cannot have both God and be greedy about anything”. Avarice extends beyond money. I wanted better hours and a better schedule than I had. I wanted this and I wanted that. It was about what I wanted and that of necessity excludes what God wants which excludes God.

I had to rethink myself and get down and pray about it. What greeds and desires do we face that place an obstacle in our walk with God? How can we avoid the traps of craving and avarice? We need to stay alert for such things!

With a strong and glad endeavor
Let us rally round the cross,
One in heart and zeal forever
Seek to save the world from loss.
In no scant and stinted measure
Be our wealth and service giv’n;
Let no love of ease or pleasure
Hedge to one the way to Heav’n.

In the joy of love’s communion,
Finding motive and reward;
Strong in purpose, strong in union,
As an army of the Lord,
Let us on to fight our battles
In the heav’nly Master’s Name,
Though the thunder rolls and rattles,
Though the sheeted lightnings flame.


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