Monday, April 13, 2009

2 cor 13:4 "For He was crucified in weakness, but lives by the power of God. For we are also are weak in Him, but in dealing with you we will live with Him by the power of God."

I seek after Christ and I desire to be like Him. He is my example for life and behavior (and everything else). Do you remember back in elementary school? Do you remember that boy who was good at sports or the one who got good grades that you admired? Do you remember that you tried to act like them? You dressed how they dressed, you tried to walk how they walked, and you tried to speak like they spoke. In the end it was utterly pointless though; every year there was someone new to be like because the old person had somehow let you down. Well, we as believers do the same with Christ. No, we do not have to dress like He dressed and we don't have to talk with the same accent He spoke with. We do not need to ever even raise someone from the dead just to know that We are truly pursuing a life of Christ=likeness. We do not even have to be crucified physically to be like Christ. We do need to love Him and follow His examples though.

To love God and to seek His heart, to search for His Will, and to pursue being like Christ in attitude and personality is to remember the ultimate expression of Christ's love for us. Remember that He died in the most gruesome way possible because He loved you. He knew that his forfeiture would redeem us, but only at the greatest price - God turned His back on Jesus because at that very moment Jesus became the most sinful person the world had ever seen (it wasn't too hard since at that moment he became the only sinful person in the world). When He rose from the dead, He turned the world upside down and He rejoined God.

We do not have the strength Christ had, but we do have Christ. We do not have the will Christ had, but we do have Christ. We do not have the knowledge Christ had, but we do have Christ. We have Christ and that has made all the difference. It is through His strength that we live now. It is Him who has enabled and aides us to imitate Him. It is His power alone that draws us closer. It is not enough for us to just say thanks, however. We should be so thankful that we actively run towards Him, that we pursue Him and that what He says is the most important thing in our lives. Remember that by the very power of God He lives and we too live with Him!

O Spirit of the living God,
thou light and fire divine,
descend upon thy church once more,
and make it truly thine.
Fill it with love and joy and power,
with righteousness and peace;
till Christ shall dwell in human hearts,
and sin and sorrow cease.


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