Sunday, September 13, 2009

Proverbs 28:3 “A poor man who oppresses the poor is a beating rain that leaves no food.”

Proverbs 28:5 “Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it completely.”

I was speaking with a co-worker of mine one day and we were discussing the aspects of our various finances. I have possession of a vehicle that was not purchased under my name and I was paying the car payment for it until such time as I could refinance it and transfer it to my name. My co-worker was talking about how he managed his finances, and then he suggested that I just stop paying on the vehicle and let it be repossessed by the bank, while I go out and get another vehicle in my name. I was shocked! How could he even suggest that I do something of that nature to someone who has helped me so much? He was convinced that it would help my finances and who cares about the credit record of the one who helped me since It isn't likely that I will be seeing them very frequently. He then spoke of how he had managed similar events in his life – what he had done was all very legal, but from where I stood was morally reprehensible. What a difference between us! He would do anything to improve his position, while I would take a personal loss to keep my word.

The staunch nonbeliever always views his own status, position, and situation as being of prime importance. Everything revolves around himself. They view the Law and the teachings of the Bible as being outdated. They will say things such as “Oh, it is all well and good to follow those rules in a perfect world, but as you can see we don't live in a perfect world.” For themselves, they consider their actions based on the social and political consequences as pertains to them.

The firm believer on the other hand never looks at his own status, position, and situation as being the most important aspect of anything. The firms believer asks “Firstly, how does this glorify God? How does this testify for my Lord? How does it minister to my brothers and sisters in Christ? What about my family?” It is only until the end that the believer even considers the consequences to himself. When Jesus spoke it was unchangeable. The things He said to do are to be done. What advice He gives is to be taken seriously, and His teachings mean more than anything else in this world. In the end, the true believer somehow ends up bettering every aspect of whatever status, position, and situation he is in. He ends up bettering everyone around Him and he ends up living an testimony to the greatness of God.

The non believers in this world cannot understand those who are believers. Everything that Christians do is stupid and wrong and goes against the very grain of the world they know and yet they see the results in the believers' lives. They see the joy and they see the peace in the Christian's life. They see the gladness for all circumstances and they see the Love that is had and spread wherever the Christian goes. Does the world see this evidence of Christ in your life? If not, what does it see? Does it see you as one of it's own? If so, how can this be changed? Remember, the blood of Christ has washed away all our sins. We are cleansed and renewed, all we must do is approach Him and repent and return to His ways. Despite our fleshly desires and wants, Christ calls to us and says “My grace is sufficient for You, the delight of my eyes and the song of my heart. Come to me and I will give you rest.”

Jesus, thine all victorious love
shed in my heart abroad;
then shall my feet no longer rove,
rooted and fixed in God.


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