Sunday, January 17, 2010

John 9:1-3 Tragedy Questioned, Tragedy Answered

John 9:1-3 “As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

What happens when the world does not make sense, when things happen that we believe a loving God would never allow? Tragedy can strike in an instant, surprising both the expecting and unsuspecting. The world seems to be a darker, grimmer place when these things occur and we cry out “why!” We ask questions and wonder. Sometimes the answers are easy, for example, when a person is directly responsible. We know that God has given everyone the rule of their own life to use as they see fit. He has given them them freedom of choice despite the fact that others will also have to suffer the consequences of those choices for ill or for good. Yet what about tragedies such as the recent earthquake in Haiti? What about the tsunami a while back? The hurricanes that tore up the gulf coast? What then? Where are our pert Sunday-school answers? With no one to point and say “Their gift of free will caused this,” we have no option but to cry out to God for answers, much like the disciples asked Jesus about the blind man.

Jesus answered that it was that God's works might be displayed for all to see. The man was born blind, just so God could give sight. In Luke 13:1-5, there were people who asked Jesus about those who had been murdered by Pilate. Jesus answered them and said that things happen, sometimes it seems for no reason at all, and it must be a reminder to us that life is short and all will die, so do not waste even a minute to repent, do not wait because you may not have the next minute!

Yet we still cry out “But why? Why dear Lord, why do you allow these things to happen? Do you not see how confused we are? Please explain to us that we may know!” We ask question after question until we must be satisfied with the answer that the Lord gives. “My beloved child, 'where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me if you have understanding. Who determined it's measurements – surely you know!' (Job 38:4-5) Did you not know that your forefather, Adam, whom I had placed in stewardship over all the earth traded it away that he might know good and evil? Did you know that since that time man whom I have created has been in conflict with nature which I also created? Have you forgotten that I have redeemed you so that you, made in the very image of myself, may join me in this ministry of reconciliation? (2 Corinthians 5:18) I have redeemed you and soon, very soon, I shall redeem the world! You ask me why and you question me, my answer is this: you, my child are to be the tool with which I shall display my glory in this tragedy. My beloved, This occurred that you may be my light to the darkness, my voice calling out in the wilderness, and my hands to clean and rebuild out of the rubble.”

Will we heed God's reason? The call has gone out and though we may never in this life know why, we know what God wants of us. That must be answer enough.

I do not know why oft ’round me
My hopes all shattered seem to be;
God’s perfect plan I cannot see,
But some day I’ll understand.

I cannot tell the depth of love,
Which moves the Father’s heart above;
My faith to test, my love to prove,
But some day I’ll understand.

Tho’ trials come thro’ passing days,
My life will still be filled with praise;
For God will lead thro’ darkened ways,
But some day I’ll understand.


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