Monday, November 16, 2009

Psalm 119:11 Reading His Word

Psalm 119:11 “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin
against You” (NKJV)

Sometimes it is good to get back to the basics and the very fundamentals
of life and although I am not quite certain if you would consider this
idea a basic or a fundamental, to me it is. In my job I have to deal with
all sorts of regulations, guidance, and oversight.. For me to do a good
job and to not mess up, I have to know and follow those rules. I have to
know my paperwork before I do anything. If I don't really know and
understand the paperwork, but do the job anyway I can (and usually will)
get into trouble over it.

It is the same with God's word. Just because I read my Bible everyday does
not necessarily mean that I am absorbing and understanding His word. As
long as I know and understand then I won't accidentally sin, but if I
don't really know - if I have not hidden His word in my heart and mind
then I can easily find myself in sinning or in a position on the precipice
of sin.

There is another reason to learn and love, to memorize and cherish, to
hide God's word in our heart and mind. When we know Gods word we are more
confident in our daily life. When times are bad, his word is there to
encourage us and comfort us. When times are good we are warned and
protected by it. With this knowledge we walk tall and full of the
assurance that we are children of the Most High, partakers in the death of
Christ and redeemed. We are reminded that we are victors, that He that is
in me is greater than he that is in the world. We find that although we
walk in the valley of the shadow of death, we have no reason to fear evil
because He is with us. He will protect us from the snare of the fowler,
and although our enemies surround us no harm will come near us that He
does not allow for our good.

Why then, if the Bible - God's word - is so amazing and has so many
benefits to us, do we know and hold other things in our hearts more? We
know more songs than we do psalms. We can quote politicians or
philosophers or scientists or authors better than we can quote King David,
Isaiah, John the Baptist, the writer's of the Gospels, or Paul! We know
our favorite novels backwards and forwards, reading it often and yet we
can not even read through the Bible once through every year!

God's word is there and the benefits have not changed in the nearly two
thousand years that it has been written. Why don't we make more of an
effort to throw ourselves into knowing and absorbing all that we can from
this wonderful resource! His word hidden in our hearts is a mighty defense
and no weapon formed against us shall stand when we are firmly encased in
His desires, His majesty,and His love. So lets get back to the basics and
start reading and loving His word more!

Take time to be holy, Speak oft with thy Lord;
Abide in Him always, And feed on His word.
Make friends with God's children; Help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.

Take time to be holy, Be calm in the soul;
Each tho't and each motive Beneath His control;
Thus led by His Spirit To fountains of love,
Thou soon shalt be fitted For service above.


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