Sunday, February 21, 2010

Romans 12:15-16 A Love which Partakes

Romans 12:15-16 “Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others' joy], and weep with those who weep [sharing others' grief]. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty (snobbish, high-minded, exclusive), but readily adjust yourself to [people, things] and give yourselves to humble tasks. Never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits.” (Amplified)

So much could be (and has been) written about love that it seems to be a never ending topic. There are movies and films dealing with it, there are books that discuss everything from a generalized perspective of love to an in-depth study on it. There is even a comic strip in many daily papers entitled “Love is...” Paul, the apostle dwelt on this topic extensively as well. Through out his letters runs the thought that God is love and we are to walk in His footsteps - therefore we are to be love! Part of this section on love is a love that partakes with others. This idea of a partaking or sharing love is immediately after he writes on love that serves. As discussed last week, Paul likes to build on his prior points when he makes lists and incorporate those points into the later points.

It is all too easy to serve those you love and to love those you serve (not necessarily the same thing). In fact its easy to start to love serving, but Love also partakes in the lives of those around, no matter who they are. Love shares in the highs and lows of life, and even in the service of others. Thats right, a genuine, dangerous love will serve those who are serving you, taking a part in their efforts. A truly Godly based love will join with others to share and redistribute the tasks, whatever they may be, from work and toil to emotions and empathy.

As believers, and even in my own life, we all know that we are supposed to share and bear each other's burdens, easing their load. Do we really practice this however? In my life I have found that it is often easier to share the joys and the happiness, the rejoicing and the highs of life of others and with others. Often times I notice that I hide the sorrows and griefs, the problems and the generally “down” portions of my life, thinking to spare those I am around. That is a problem though! When I do that I am not following scripture and I am preventing the believers around me to follow scripture. I am sinning and I cause others to sin! If I do not share my problems and my weeping, then they cannot share the tremendous joys when God steps in and shows his power over whatever I am going through. They cannot partake in that wonderful life-giving freedom that He bestows on me yet again. Also by not sharing my obstacles, I cut out a very real and potential source that God was intending to use to help me or teach me!

I am reminded of an old saying frequently heard wherever children are gathered. “Sharing is Caring.” Truly it is, on more levels than one. This week, let us all endeavor to share more in the bad as well as the good. Let us serve each other better by bearing each other's sorrows, loving dangerously in our commitment to them so that we may more truly show Gods love to all!

Belovèd, let us love: love is of God; in God alone hath love its true abode.

Belovèd, let us love: for they who love, they only, are His sons, born from above.

Belovèd, let us love: for love is rest, and he who loveth not abides unblest.

Belovèd, let us love: for love is light, and he who loveth not dwelleth in night.

Belovèd, let us love: for only thus shall we behold that God who loveth us.


Blogger Schmitty said...

"Often times I notice that I hide the sorrows and griefs, the problems and the generally “down” portions of my life, thinking to spare those I am around. That is a problem though!"

I'm glad you're starting to get this. :-) Taking care of everyone else alone is not what you were built to do. <3

11:52 AM  

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