Monday, May 24, 2010

Psalm 119:81-88: The Lord's word is the most worthy Blessing

Psalm 119:81 “My soul languishes for Your salvation; I wait for Your word.” NASB
Psalm 119:88 “Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, so that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.” NASB

I was blessed this past week to be able to spend it with family as I watched one of my younger brothers graduate from college. As we joked around I remembered thinking that my brother is too young to be in college, he should only be in the 7th or maybe the 9th grade. It can't have been that long! Yes, I realized it had been that long indeed. But thinking back I started remembering what we were like as children - we were little beggars! Yes, beggars. We would beg and plead and throw tantrums to get stuff that we wanted and I am certain that you did that as well when you were younger. If we wanted a toy at the store, we would throw a fit. If we wanted candy, we would beg and plead and promise. I am fairly certain that I spent a good portion of my early years walking around with my hands out wanting something from someone. I was not afraid to make a complete fool out of myself just so I could get something that I desired. Again, I am fairly certain that you were the same way when you were young because we all were. That is the nature of being a young child – we want stuff and we don't really see anything beyond our needs and wants.

Here in the 119th Psalm, David does the same thing. He approaches God with his hands out, wanting, pleading, desiring God's gifts to him. David begs of God for something more valuable than any toy in any store and something of infinitely better taste than the best candy. David wants, desires, needs, God's word to be in his life. He understands that there is absolutely nothing nearly as valuable as the Word of the Lord acting, living, inhabiting in his life. David knows this and he is willing to pester the Lord for it – much like a small child. We too need to approach the Lord in this fashion. We need to hold our hands out ready to receive His blessings when we approach Him, desiring nothing more than His word being active in our lives. We need to come to the Lord like little children, begging and selfish, for more of Him. His word is so important we need to be willing to act the fool and to ignore what others may think that we chase after Him!

This week, lets approach God with the faith of a child, and the temperament of one as well as we ask for His word to fill our lives.

Heav’nly Father, send Thy blessing
On Thy children gathered here,
May they all, Thy Name confessing,
Be to Thee forever dear;
May they be, like Joseph, loving,
Dutiful, and chaste, and pure;
And their faith, like David, proving,
Steadfast unto death endure.


Blogger Schmitty said...

Not all children are that way. Babies yeah, but by the time they learn to talk they are either disciplined or not. I almost never threw tantrums... all it would get me was a spanking. :-p Didn't bother begging either, because the answer was always "no."

7:30 AM  
Blogger Carter said...

Tantrums would get me in trouble as well, but as a child I worked my way around tantrums and I would definitely pester my parents. So did my siblings and every (well, now ALMOST every ^_^)friend of mine I know has at one point (usually before the age of 6) has done the same at least once.

11:35 AM  

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