Sunday, December 19, 2010

Luke 2:1-5 - God moves in our Lives

Luke 2:1-5 “In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole empire should be registered. This first registration took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So everyone went to be registered, each to his own town.  And Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family line of David, to be registered along with Mary, who was engaged to him and was pregnant.” HCSB

I was blessed to spend this past week with family, something I was worried might not happen.  Between work and everything else that has been going on in my life, it seemed almost impossible for me to get any time with my family this Christmas. That was rather depressing because for the first time in several years, my family was all on the same continent at the same time.  God rolled back His sleeves, and one thing after another, everything fell into place so that this young man could get some time off work and travel up to Indiana to spend time with family, the whole family. My sister flew in from New York and my brothers flew up from Texas and Flordia, all within a couple days. We had everyone together at last! My parents, my grandparents, and my siblings all manged to celebrate an early Christmas! The house was filled with the sounds of laughter and teasing as we  all found ourselves merging our lives seamlessly together again for one week as if no time had passed while we were apart.

God rolled up His sleeves and prepared for a mighty change in the world.

The shepherds were preparing to head out with their sheep to the few green valleys and hills in the area, shivering in the cold and huddling around small fires for warmth and wishing that they had a winter coat of wool like the stupid herbivores they were watching.

Joseph was working hard in his shop, carefully measuring and cutting, planing and joining as he tried to do what needed to be done so he could start his own family. He wanted to have everything ready before Mary, his pregnant fiancé, would give birth to the Messiah.

Augustus, Caesar of the mighty Roman empire was disturbed. He had all these citizens to take care of and taxes to raise. How could he tax appropriately if he did not know just how many people were in his empire? How would he know how to set the levees for his legions?  In a spark of inspiration, he announced that he would have everyone registered in a world-spanning census – but not only would they hold a census but they would have everyone be registered in their family home!

A bright light shone in the sky, something new and never seen before. Astronomers and wise men of several eastern nations were puzzled as they wondered what this sign portrayed. Messengers ran too and fro as these magi thought about it (remember this is in pre-internet, pre-telephone, pre-telegraph, and pre-pony-express days). They came to the conclusion that this was the sign spoken of in the Babylonian archives about a king and redeemer of the Jewish nation. Packing up gifts and their households they determined to make a long and dangerous journey to see this new king and meet the prophesied “Prince of Peace”

Joseph had to pack up his shop due to the census. He had to move to Bethlehem, his ancestral city. He took his soon-to-be wife with him. The shepherds had established their base camps for the season's herding. The wise men crossed deserts following the giant star in the sky. Caesar chuckled in glee at his brilliant idea – he would finally know how many taxable people were in his empire!

One thing followed another as God, the creator of Heaven and Earth, managed events to answer the prophesies of prophets long turned to dust. The world would never be the same again and neither would we.

God is capable of doing anything! With a thought He created the universe. With a word His prophets spoke of a future redemption of the world from Sin. With a wink He arranged events that would meet all his prophesies. With a smile He changed the world and offered an answer to the problem of sin.  He moves still today and in each of our lives. There is nothing impossible to Him, no problem too big or too small that He doesn't have an answer to.  When issues and problems raise their heads much like a hydra from Greek mythology, God has a response and a way to solve each one. He has done so in my life and He has done so in yours too. He won't stop either.  He loves helping His beloved children!

Next time something happens that seems to block the way forward for you, stopping you from following God in your life, just remember that God will help take care of it. Just pray over it! Just let Him take care of it! He will answer and He always succeeds!

Away with our fears! The Godhead appears
In Christ reconciled, the Father of mercies in Jesus the Child.

He comes from above, In manifest love,
Desire of our eyes, the meek Lamb of God, in a manger He lies.

Immanuel’s birth - what triumph on earth!
Yet could it afford no better a place for its heavenly Lord?

The Ancient of Days redeems a lost race:
His glory comes down, self-humbled to carry us up to a crown.

Made flesh for our sake, that we might partake
The nature divine, again in His image, His holiness shine.

A heavenly birth, Experience on earth,
And rise to His throne, and life with our Jesus eternally one.

Then let us believe, and gladly receive
The tidings they bring who publish to sinners their Savior and King.

And while we are here, our King shall appear,
His Spirit impart, and form His full image of love in our heart.
-Charles Wesley, 1745                          


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