Matthew 10:29-31 - Birds, Their Chicks, and God
Matthew 10:29-31 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
There is something outside my front door. Its not exactly just outside my front door, its more like ten feet away, up in a tree. Its a bird's nest, and nesting in it is a family of robins, and just this past week, their eggs hatched, those shiny, blue eggs, and so now there are four chicks in the nest while Mr and Mrs Robin spend their days hectically trying to take care of their four little voracious children. It has been a blessing to watch that nest, and to be reminded about the vagaries and wonders of creation through it.
That nest is built right there in the open, in a bare patch where two branches join, and the world can see the nest. Its open to the elements, and the storms that have been passing through the area have hit it, the winds have moved the branch to and fro, but the nest is still there. The Robin family is not worried about the winds, the rains, or even the exposure to others. Instead, each chick lifts its head constantly demanding attention and food and the mother scrambles to feed them, flying off to gather food and feeding each chick one at a time before flying of again for more food, only to repeat the cycle after feeding all four.
As for us, we are like those chicks. We are in a comfortable and well built nest not realizing the precarious situation of the nest. We complain about the raindrops that hit us, not knowing the storm might flood or destroy the nest. We complain about the breeze that moves the branches holding us up, not knowing that the wind could toss and overturn us and the fall would be tremendous. We don't even realize how exposed we are and that anything could be there watching us. We are constantly demanding attention, time, and nourishment from any source that will feed our desires. We don't realize that God is out there getting the right food for us for the right moment of time in which we are in.
We are those baby birds, and God takes care of us far more than we realize! Despite our demanding behaviour, despite our lack of knowledge, despite everything we do, He still cares for us and nurtures us. No matter how old we may become, no matter what we may do, no matter where we are, we are still His precious children and He loves us. He protects us from the worst of the storms of life much like the mother robin protects her chicks from the storms that strike here and blow that branch two and fro. The Lord values us much more than just any bird though, we are unique and individual, and He loves us as if we were the only one in His universe. Thats right, He gives you the same love and attention as He would if there was no one else besides you, He loves you and showers you with all His attention and love! You are not just a bird in the sky, or a chick in a nest. You are not just another duty for Him, you are His beloved child, the mighty and perfect life work He is accomplishing. You are everything to Him, and He desires to be your everything.
This week, lets take a lesson from those humble birds infront of my door. Lets realize how precious to God we are, and once we internalize that, lets do our best to live up to that preciousness!
I need not trouble for the morrow,
For I am in my Father’s care;
He will go with me as I journey,
For all my need He will prepare.
Ina D. Ogdon, 1914.
For I am in my Father’s care;
He will go with me as I journey,
For all my need He will prepare.
Ina D. Ogdon, 1914.
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