Sunday, November 11, 2007

Colossian 2:2-3 “that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is, Christ Himself, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

I visited a casino during this past week. While I was there, I saw people playing various games and machines. They were just hoping for a lucky strike. They had aspirations for gain, a desire for the thrill of the win, a need to beat the odds and see how far they could get. I watched as elderly people sat in front of the penny slots, wasting their pensions for a chance to win enough to cover their losses. They pulled those levers in hopes that they could go home and tell people that they had won something while at the casino.

I was given a five dollar coupon for the casino, and I decided to take it and play it. After all, if they were going to give me money to go I might as well spend it and give it back to them. I went with the full expectation to lose that money. I walked away when those five dollars ran out, but there was this horrific thought which kept running through my mind. “If I had just stayed and played only a little while longer, I might have actually gotten somewhere.”

Just the chance of getting something and the flesh will pick up that desire and run with it, like a runningback during a tense game (much like last week’s Colts vs. Patriots game).

It isn’t just in gambling though, how many of us have thought “If I had just done things differently, the outcome might be different and more to my liking.” How many have told a friend “you know, If I had just played that computer game longer” or “If I had chosen a different place to go” or even “If I had said this or done that.” If I had… If I did… If I tried… If I, if if if if if if! Oh those insidious “ifs” which lead us to desire something different or covet someone else’s outcome (of their choices).

I have a friend who started wondering about the “what ifs” of life. In correspondence to him, I asked him “What is regret? What is acceptance? What is contentment with where God has led you? Before you start with the "what-ifs" think about the "what-dids"

God allows us to make our choices and then He works through the consequences to show us His nature and His glory(or if you are Calvinistically inclined, God directs our path in ways to help us learn and suffer for His glory.) God has given us an assurance, a promise of further knowing Him. We have a hope, nay instead we have a guarantee of Eternal Life with Him through the sacrifice of Christ. This sacrifice gave us the certainty to continue on with life, to worship God. He has vowed to be with us in all things, no matter what happens, no matter where, no matter why. We have this assurance. No longer are we fumbling around for change in our pockets, hoping that maybe this slot machine will give us contentment, or that roulette table will satisfy our desires. No more do we need to hope that there is more out there, that maybe we might be able to somehow find meaning in life.

God has promised us joy and contentment, should we follow Him. God has promised to satisfy our needs, should we follow Him. God has given us His word that there is more beyond our understanding, and He - like child at Christmas with a new toy - would love to show us everything He has made and done, and yes, it will take an eternity to see all His mighty works.

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.


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