Sunday, April 20, 2008

Matthew 5:19-20 “Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teachers others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Moses Maimonides (A Jewish philosopher) writes that the Sanhedrin had power when it was convenient, for the time present, to make void an affirmative command, and to transgress a negative one, in order to return many to their religion; or to deliver many of the Israelites from stumbling at other things, they may do whatsoever the present time makes necessary: for so a man may profane one sabbath, in order to keep many sabbaths. We also know from historical searchings, that the Pharisees taught and valued the observance of the Law – that is, observation where people can see - so the heart of the person was not questioned, and as long as they performed the actions they were “clean”

Paul fought against this frequently, as shown in his writings against the physical circumcision some required for their interpretation of salvation. James warns us as do John and Peter to be on our guard against false teachers, or even teachers who are trying their best, but have a flawed understanding and are teaching a flawed gospel. We know that Paul corrected Peter on occasion due to some of Peter's actions an teachings! (Galatians 2:11-14) Why then should we stand back and say “well, they know better than we do, after all, they have been Christians longer, they study more, they are more intune with God, etc” when we have just as much access to scripture as they do? Their qualifications are just as important as yours and by this I mean both them and I, them and you, I and you are all sons of the Most High, fellowshipping in the Glory that is His Son.

Here we find the importance of searching scripture for ourselves. We can not just rely on the interpretation of the one who tells us, for he will be held accountable for everything he teaches and everyone his teaching influences. This means that I, as I write this devotional, will be held accountable for everything I write here, be it truth or misunderstanding. I will be held accountable for my failure to teach the truth.

The Law that God gave down, This law is established until the current heaven and earth fade away. Nothing will be removed from it and we are held accountable to it until the second coming of Christ and the New Jerusalem. The Law convicts us of our sins while Christ redeems us from those same sins. Yet we are still responsible to be a good witness and to be observant of the law, not only in our actions (as the Pharisees taught) but also in our heart and mind and soul and strength! Honoring and obeying your father and mother (no back talk..ouch!) is just as important as not killing anyone. Desiring anything that you can not have right now (an Ipod, music you have not bought, your co-workers toolbox...again, ouch!) is still coveting and is still sinful. Unless I am more righteous than CS Lewis, unless I am more spiritually in tune with God than RC Sproul, unless I am more obedient than Ravi Zacharias, unless I am more zealous than Josh McDowell, unless I am more holy than Billy Graham, unless I am more caring than Mother Theresa, and unless I am more loving than Nate Saint, I can never enter heaven. Fortunately for me (and you) Christ gave us His perfection on the cross! How awesome is that!

Teach me, my God and King,
In all things Thee to see,
And what I do in anything
To do it as for Thee.


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