Sunday, October 26, 2008

Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”

The brightly colored bird hopped around in the cage with several other similarly plumaged small birds. Every so often one of them would lift it's beak and chirp out part of an avian song. The peddler was not asking much, just a small sum for the small birds, yet no one around were the types of people to keep birds for pets. What is the worth of a bird? Well, there in that little village in northwestern Zambia the worth of a bird was not in it's song. After all, a song does not fill an empty belly. The worth of a bird there was a filled stomach. If that is the worth of a bird, yet God still knows each and every one of them on a first name basis (and there are a lot of birds in this world!) what then is our value?

How many types of insects are there? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? Our six-legged friends outnumber us humans by one billion to one-half at least and yet Christ did not come as a bug, he came as a man – a normal, plain, everyday man.

What is the worth of a human? In some parts of the world the worth of a person is one bullet. In some parts of the world a girl is worth less than a boy and so her parents will get rid of her so they can have a boy. In some parts of the world, a human is worth less than a less than common animal, sometimes even the lives a person is counted less than the life of a wolf! Yet to God, each of us, each and every person is worth everything. He provides for us if we but ask. He teaches us if we but listen. He leads us if we but follow.

What is your worth? If everyone on earth was fully righteous except for you, Jesus would still come and die for you so that you could become righteous through Him.

Omnipotent Redeemer,
Our ransomed souls adore Thee;
Our Savior Thou, we find it now,
And give Thee all the glory.
We sing Thine arm unshortened,
Brought through our sore temptation;
With heart and voice in Thee rejoice,
The God of our salvation.


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