Sunday, May 10, 2009

Psalms 26:3 “For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.”

Have you ever been asked to do something? Have you forgotten to do it? You are faithless. Have you ever done a sloppy job? You are faithless. Have you ever wavered in your friendship with anyone? You are faithless. Have you ever sidestepped facts or lowered your standards even once? Have you ever lied? Have you ever mislead anyone no matter the reason? Have you ever intentionally broken your word? You are faithless! Have you ever been to an alcoholics anonymous meeting or spoken to a recovering alcoholic? They will tell you that there is no such thing as an “ex-alcoholic.” Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic – one is just in various stages of recovery. It seems a harsh standard but it is true, and it also applies to being faithless. Once an addict, always an addict. Once a liar, always a liar. Once anything negative always anything negative – at least by worldly and fleshly standards. The bar that our standards are set to is labeled “perfection” and we are continuously falling short. We are always imperfect. It takes just one failure to be faithless just like it only takes once to be a murderer, and it only takes one sin to be unholy. Let's face it, we are unable to do anything approaching even a good job at being close to faithful, let alone holy.

Fortunately for us, God is faithful. Yes, it is a cliché statement, but God is faithful, and we do not walk, we do not live, we do not do anything anymore according to our faithfulness but instead we are in His. God is perfectly faithful. He has never broken a promise to anyone. He has never mislead anyone. He has always paid the strictest attention to His duties. He has never wavered even once in His pursuit of us, His friendship with anyone, or His loyalty to His creation. He is the original being who sets the standards for the rest of the universe. He is always true to fact. He is always reliable, trusted, and to be believed. He is faithful, and it is His faithfulness that He shares with us.

He has made us holy, set apart for Him, and now when we speak or give our word, we should not speak on our own authority, but on His and it is His word that we represent to everyone we meet. God has never let me down despite the many times I know I have let Him down, yet I know that God will never tire of helping me back to my feet because He is faithful to me. Faithfulness requires one to always be there for those who rely on you and we all must rely on Him therefore He is always there for us. He has told us to give over all our cares to Him, all our worries to Him, all our problems to Him, and to confess all our sins to Him and He will take care of it. We must do our best in turn to live for Him. He has taken ownership of everything in my life and in yours. If I were to accidentally to break or destroy something at work, my company is responsible for making things right with the customer. They must be responsible for the failures of their workers. God is the same. He is responsible for everything in our lives and He paid the price in full on the cross. No matter what we do, He has promised that He has taken care of it. This does not mean that we should slack off on our efforts to pursue righteousness and personal holiness. We represent Him now and so we must live our lives as close to the best representation of Him as is possible. The standard of the cross is the impossible standard for us to be held to, and yet He has made it possible for us to claim that standard in our lives! Let us be faithful then to live up to this responsibility that He has given to us!

I have a Friend, whose faithful love
Is more than all the world to me:
'Tis higher than the heights above,
And deeper than the soundless sea;
So old, so new,
So strong, so true;
Before the earth received its frame,
He loved me—Blessed be His name!


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