Sunday, October 04, 2009

Genesis 1:21 “So God created...every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”

Sweeping and swooping, twisting and turning, diving and soaring like happy-go-lucky synchronized flying teams, flocks of birds cavorted around the fields and farms while I drove home today. Their joyful wings beating a frenzied tempo counterpoint to their squawks, screeches, and chirps, the sight of their obvious enjoyment in their early morning games of tag, catch-me-if-you-can, and maybe even red-rover brought a smile to my face and a thought to my mind. Like these birds we are always on the go, but unlike them we have not been able to experience pure contentment despite (or inspite) of our circumstances.

What would a conversation be like if Birds could pray and talk to our Lord the way we can? Just imagine that a eagle flies slowly and majestically through the clouds and a small bird below watches and sighs. That tiny bird would then say “Lord, why could you not have made me like the eagle? I could do so much for you! My gentle soaring and my impressive wingspan would remind everyone about your word where you say 'those who wait for the Lord...shall mount up with wings like eagles' (Isaiah 40:31) My majestic presence and regal bearing would point everyone who saw me towards you! But I am such a little bird, so very tiny. No one notices me and there is nothing I can do for you that others can not do better.”

Our Lord would respond, “Dear child, I made you the way I wanted you. Eagles are there to be looked up to, to encourage you. Sparrows are there for songs and games. I made the mockingbird to remind you to take yourself less seriously and the duck to bring beauty to the surface of the water. I made the chickadee to be cute and friendly, eager for food and mischief and I made the Chicken to provide nourishment. The buzzards vultures are my janitors and the owl reminds you to think. The blue jays are there to humble you and the cardinals to bring colour to your world in the white of winter. My geese teach you to work together and even those silly, silly penguins teach you that even if you can't fly you can still fish."

Little one, it does not matter to me your size nor your gifts because I love you none the less. Even if no one else notices you, I still do. You can do things no one else can do, because no one else can sing like you, talk like you, fly like you, or love me like you do."

Dear heart, I made all these other birds for specific tasks and I made you with your size and your talents to remind them just how much I care for everyone. Fly proudly, even if you don't go very high or very far. Fly gracefully, even if you miss a beat or three. Fly encouragingly, because you don't know who will see you. And fly joyfully, because I made you especially unique."

We welcome with delight
Another happy day,
Our hearts like merry bells
Ring out the silver lay;
We catch the rosy beams
Reflected from the eye
Of Him Whose wonders fill the earth,
Whose glory fills the sky.


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