Sunday, February 28, 2010

Romans 12:17-18: A love that Extends

Romans 12:17-18 “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”

We finish off this look at love with a look at the last type of Love which Paul writes about in this section. Since Love must be genuine to be dangerous, dangerous to serve, and serve to partake, Love must also be willing to do all this and wrap it up in one more term. Love must expand. It must extend out towards everyone, no matter who or where they are. A real, Godly, love must see that since mankind is made in the image of God, and each person in this world is part of mankind, we are all made in the image of God. We who have His love rained down over us and in turn love Him, therefore also must love everyone who is in His image. Each person in this world partakes of God's image, whether they are Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Mormon, Catholic, Animistic, Neo-pagan, or Christian. Everyone was created after the image of our dearest, deeply beloved Lord.

An expansive love must say to itself, “You who are made in the very likeness of my Lord and Savior, let me do all I can to give Him glory and show my Love for Him by doing all I can for you!” While this does not mean that Love accepts all the sins and errors of the flesh, it means that it makes allowances for those who do not yet have personal knowledge of our Creator and it chooses to encourage, teach, and aid those who are more recent in their faith than we. An expansive Love looks for ways to serve everyone, choosing to do that which is honorable and right over what is convenient and easy every time. This will always cause trouble however. This Love makes enemies, this Love is looked down upon and taken advantage of. This Love does not complain, but instead prays blessings on all. This dangerous love, which sources from the source of all Life, Our Lord and Creator must be shared and spread!

Love expands and extends itself to everyone, no matter what race or creed, it desires nothing more than to see the betterment of everyone. It finds itself trying to be at peace with everyone, no matter if there are those who are not at peace with it. Love makes no barriers and accepts all as they are. An expansive Love tears down whatever walls it finds, whether it is the Berlin wall and the iron curtain, or the wall of racism or social status. Love is offered to all, effecting the lives of everyone around.

This is the Love we must all desire because without it we find ourselves and our lives much lessened and darker. When we have this expansive love we are truly walking in the footsteps of Jesus who calls us to Love recklessly and relentlessly, just as He Loves us. I want this love to be in my life and yours to such an extent that people will be convicted of sin, encouraged, and raised up just by our passing! I have made such a love my lifelong goal and would encourage you to do the same!

O blessèd Savior, Lord of love,
Leaving for us Thy home above,
How can we show our love to Thee
When Thy dear face we cannot see?

Humbly we thank Thee, blessèd Lord,
For this the comfort of Thy word,
When thou a loving deed dost see,
“Lo, ye have done it unto Me.”


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