Sunday, December 26, 2010

Luke 2:11- Christ Rebirthed in Our Lives

Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Yesterday was Christmas, a day that most of think of  with fond memories. The perfect Christmas is snow on the ground, a hearth fire glowing while we all sit around a fine, fully formed, nicely decorated Douglas Fir. We are supposed to be laughing and joking as the younger children play with new toys while wrapping paper covers the floor and the older people enjoy puddings and snacks with hot cocoa or coffee. From the kitchen wafts smells of Turkey or spiced Ham cooking, with overtones of cranberry sauce and gingerbread cookies. Over the stereo softly comes the sweet strains of cherubic voices singing Christmas carols. At a communal favorite everyone joins in and afterwards there is comradely joking over each other's poor singing. On a shelf over the fireplace sits a Christmas crèche or Nativity scene. Scattered around the house are decorations of angels, shepherds, Eastern/Oriental looking wise-guys, reindeer, candles, and the ubiquitous Santa figures.  Perhaps the night before we all attended a Christmas eve service or vigil with candles, skits, and the reading from Luke chapter 2:1-20. After the vigil everyone went caroling to houses full of smiling happy people who happily hand out warm beverages and freshly baked cookies in appreciation.  Over the course of this perfect Christmas several Christmas miracles occur, most notably that no one gets heartburn or gains any weight despite the prevalent and socially accepted gluttony.

What is Christmas really about?  Christmas is the celebration of Christ and His miraculous birth some 2014 odd years ago. It is a day supposed to point and focus to Him, to show appreciation for His sacrificing Heaven for Earth, “who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” (Phil 2:6-7)  Christmas is the prequel to Easter – better yet its a two-part holy-day/holiday. Christmas and Easter are flip sides of each other. Christmas is Christ's arrival, Easter is His leaving. Christmas is Jesus' becoming one of us, Easter is our redemption to becoming like Christ. Christmas is the Hope of the World arriving, Easter is that Hope made fact.

Often in our modern perfect Christmas we make a perfunctory and obligatory homage and genuflection towards Christ and His birth, but then its back to the food, the presents, family and the atmosphere.  Do not misunderstand, those are good things, but our focus first and foremost should be Christ – as much or more so than the rest of the year. Lets make every effort to re-seat Christ in the place of Honor in our lives. Lets renew our emphasis on Him being the basis of everything for us.  In our daily walk, lets have Christ first again, foremost in our thoughts, actions, and prayers with everything else a far, far, far second.

Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
That hath made Heaven and earth of nought
And with his blood mankind has bought.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel!
(Final Verse of “The First Noel” published 1833 based of a 16th century tune)                         


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