Sunday, May 13, 2012

Psalm 27:7-8 - Finding God in the Still Moments

Psalm 27:7-8 “Hear my voice when I call, O Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, “Seek His face!” your face, Lord, I will seek.”

It was early morning, few others were up and I had the roads to myself. My bike roared along, purring in the early hours as I saw a world few people take the time to notice: the mists were starting to form over the little ponds and waterways and valleys, families of deer were out grazing while the cattle lying out in the field were starting to rise from their nocturnal slumber, the sun itself was barely showing over the horizon and the morning's chill was still in full force, and the bare trees were just starting to produce shoots. This was a world at rest, at peace, at quiet. This was a world different from the bustle and activity that normally seems to fill our time. This was the world God made for us to enjoy, something special in every moment, something unique to be appreciated at all times, and something new to notice if only we look.

How often do we take the time to step back away from our tasks and to-do lists and see the world around us? How often do we slow our lives down from the break-neck pace we seem to be living at and turn to God for something more than a quick prayer or request?  When we take time for God, what sort of time are we taking? Better yet why are we taking time for God when He should have all our time?

In my ride that morning, I should have slowed down and further appreciated the world I saw, but I had appointments to keep and things to do. I had places to be and people to see, and I – at the time – felt that I couldn't. Those moments where we see the world at rest, however, are rare and should be enjoyed. It is in those moments that the Lord tends to open our eyes to things more. It is in those moments we find ourselves more refreshed. Those are the moments when God shows us Himself more clearly and we fail to notice Him.  We ask Him to teach us, to show us, and to open our eyes. When He provides the moments to do so, we fail to notice, we keep rushing and being busy and then we must learn the hard way, through hard times.  We ask for our Good Shepherd to lead us to green pastures, and when He does, we prefer to graze among the rocks.

This week, when we cry out to God, lets learn to spot those moments of calm and those periods of quiet where God seeks to impart His wisdom to us. Let us learn to find those places where we can see God's hand and hear His voice clearly. Those are the moments that we are really living our lives, not the times we think we are living such as when you are racing down a twisty mountain path, exhilarated by the rush of wind and the roar of your motorcycle's engine. Its in the quiet, not the rush that God is most visible. When we start seeking Him there, eventually we will see Him in the hardest of times and the busiest of schedules. When we look in the silent places, we will soon hear Him above the din and noise of the loudest.

While Thee I seek, protecting Power,
Be my vain wishes stilled;
And may this consecrated hour
With better hopes be filled.

In each event of life, how clear
Thy ruling hand I see!
Each blessing to my soul more dear,
Because conferred by Thee.
               Helen M. Williams, 1786.


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