Sunday, December 28, 2008

Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

This year, as it draws to a close, has seen it's share of troubles. Hardly one of us has been unaffected by things which happened in the past 52 weeks. We have seen businesses boom and then bust, we have seen good, solid banks run out of money, insurance companies and even automobile companies declaring bankruptcy. Certainly there have been many problems, but we have also all seen many, many answers to prayer. We have seen God's hand in action. Every day brings it's own troubles, trials, and blessings. Every day is special and every day is created by God. Every day is a new day.

We have been seeing and learning that God desires all of us to cast all our cares, all our burdens, all our sorrows, all our worries, all our anxieties, and all our thoughts on Him. Hopefully we have been able to do our best to let God take care of our problems. We know that every day has it's particular issues and that we won't know what issues we will be dealing with until they are there, so why should we waste sleep over it? We have but to give it over to the Lord. Our job instead is to live in all things to glorify and exemplify Christ in our lives. We work because that is a way to witness. We sing because that testifies of our Saviour. We mourn and glorify God to those around us. We endure and we encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Lord tells us to pray for what we need, believe that it will be supplied, and it will be supplied (Mark 11:24-25) It will be supplied daily. We also need to forgive those who hurt us. We live in the present, forgive the past, and pray for the future. What more need we worry about? If God is Almighty, then He is fully capable of taking care of every little problem we may have. God is the Creator, He is the Almighty, He is capable, and He is our wonderful provider. Therefore we should have complete confidence that God will keep His word and will provide for each of our needs (notice that we are not talking about our own desires and wants). God is capable.

Every day is a new day. Every day we are new. Every day we are renewed and every day we are made new to live in the new day. Every day is a new chance to give God all the glory and all of our worries and anxieties. This year is done, the next year is beginning. It is a new year, it will bring new chances and opportunities as well as new trials, troubles, and problems. Some of us will probably end up thinking and experiencing more problems this next year than in this past year, but God asks – no, He requires – us to give everything over to Him and let Him sort out anything that might cause us worry or anxiety. This new year is a new chance for us to turn everything to Him and to renew ourselves and our walk with Him. I pray that we find ourselves ever more in love with Him, ever more trusting Him, and ever more giving Him all our griefs and trials.

Father of life draw me closer
Lord, my heart is set on you
Let me run the race of time
With you life unfolding mine
And let the peace of God
Let it reign


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