Tuesday, June 02, 2009

2 John 8 “Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward.”

How many of us have had the wonderful pleasure (and I say this in the most ironic sense of the word “wonderful”) of working a dreary, boring, or repetitious task? The first couple of times we put all our care, effort, and awareness into it that we may do a good job. After that we start to slide because we have done that task several times and know what is happening. We are numbed to the work.

Friends! We have become numb to the task of watching ourselves and have fallen into the trap of complacency! “Surely not I!” you say, but I say “as surely as I.” Like Peter we have fallen away when the going has gotten tough for us, when our inner motives are questioned and when our personal safety seems to be risked.

Friends! We have become numb to the task of winning! “What? Winning?” Yes winning. We have have lost our wonder and awe at God's glory when He wins a soul or provides for us, or even when He has performed a miracle through which we benefit. We have become used to it and it is now everyday for us. We have quite finding the fear of the Lord and showing respect and instead we have slowly come to treat Him as the fridge in our parent's house or the turn lane in the middle of a busy road. We forget that He is there even when we rely on Him. Then when we find ourselves in a position where the convenience is removed we begin to complain rather than give thanks that we are able to rediscover what we once took for granted.

Friend! We have become numb to the task of our commitment! “You jest!” No, I do not joke. We have deigned to ignore the requirements of our commitment. We acknowledge our commitment to Christ, and that He is our saviour, but we have neglected to perform the tasks required. The first task is to Love. How many times have we gotten upset and derogatory towards someone for little or no reason (or any reason whatsoever) We have forgotten to care, to be kind and gracious, merciful and even to continuously practice self control. We have neglected our continuous improvement and practice in the very things that make us different from the world.

This must stop! We must relearn and rediscover our joy in Christ. We must make the effort and guard ourselves before we find ourselves lukewarm and then in the process of being spat out. We must make every special effort to guard against complacency, convenience, and losing our commitment. This is a call to return to the fires and flames of faith of your early believing years! Do not let the world tame you! Christ calls but will we listen? Christ beacons but will we see?

Let us make every effort to watch ourselves and protect ourselves. Let us not be numbed!

Farewell I gladly bid thee,
False, evil world, farewell.
Thy life is vain and sinful,
With thee I would not dwell.
I long to be in Heaven,
In that untroubled sphere
Where they will be rewarded
Who served their God while here.


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