Sunday, August 29, 2010

Isaiah 43:10: God's precious Glory

Isaiah 43:10 “You are My witnesses, says the Lord, and My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know Me, believe Me and remain steadfast to Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after Me.” (AMP)

Did you know that you are God's chosen witness? His special servant chosen for a special task? Yes! You are! I am! We are! I know that often there are things going on in our lives – baggage from our old life if you will – that seem to never go away. We spend our time fighting ourselves and trying to crucify our flesh (Gal 5:24) and we never get anywhere. We even start wondering if this is our “thorn in the flesh” that Paul talks about. Then we begin to accept this baggage as part of us, irremovable and irreconcilable to our new life. This pressure begins to pull us apart and we don't even know why! The reason for it is that God is giving us a witness, a testimony. He is offering to deliver us from even our baggage in a unique and special way, not just saving our soul but healing us of past hurts or curing continuing  sins such as filthy mouths, lustful eyes, gossiping ears, covetous hearts, and greedy hands. He is offering to deliver us that we may know, believe, and remain steadfast to Him! God told Paul “My Grace is sufficient for You” (2 Cor 12:19) and yes, sometimes it is only by the grace of God we learn to live and lose our fault, our baggage. Other times – and I do think that this applies more often to us as believers – we seem to forget that despite our own efforts, we can't crucify ourselves and our own flesh!

God is eternal, our faults are not, our sins are not, our baggage is not. God is eternal and He wants to help you and I by delivering us and assisting us to get over our carry-overs from before we knew Him.  God does this because He has a plan for us, a life changing play to present us before the world as representatives as His glory! “everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” (Isa 43:7) That's right, you were created for God's glory, and you are His glory, His child, His beloved. Did you know that in the Bible Children are considered the glory of their parents? Yes! You aren't just a special work to be shown off, a show piece for the masses at God's Gallery debut, but rather you are His glorious child, His beloved whom he wants to show off like a proud parent! You are the Righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21) and there is absolutely nothing that can change that! (Rom 8:38-39)

This next week, lets remember this. Lets live our lives committed to being His glory, His delight, and His beloved. Lets find those small bits and pieces that we have carried with us and turn them completely over to Him, thanking Him for deliverance from them even before He does anything with them because He surely will. Remember, you are His special one!


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