Sunday, February 27, 2011

Matthew 5:16 and John 12:27-28 - Glorifying God through tragedy

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (NASB)

John 12:27-28 "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!” Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.”
" (NIV)

Some few months ago, a tornado ripped through the small town of Cincinnati Arkansas. It was devastating! Almost the entire town was demolished. One of the few buildings not damaged, however, was the town’s church. Quickly that small Methodist church building became the seat of all the recovery, rescue, and clean-up efforts. All the teams that came through made it their headquarters - the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, FEMA, and all the other crisis response groups.. For these two and a half weeks, the church members made breakfast and dinner for everyone in those groups as well as all those who needed it. No matter what the weather outside was, these brave people were out grilling and cooking for everyone. During that time, every vehicle that drove down Highway 59 past that small church saw those church members out there everyday.  Truckers would stop in and see everything, and then they would talk about it amongst themselves, passing it from truck-stop to truck-stop on down the road. Slowly word got out: from those truckers to their families, from families to friends, from friends to news crews, and from those news crews to people all over the United States. These people who had lost everything were still serving. Ther served the rescue crews, they served the recovery groups, they served the insurance claims people, the television crews, the clean-up guys, and the now homeless and destitute. Tirelessly they served anyone and everyone who came but, no matter who or why. This small town church only had 16 members total. Yet these same 16 people day after day fed hundreds, starting early in the morning to late at night through rain, snow, frost, ice, and wind. They fed hundreds everyday from their own finances and supplies and there was enough for everyone every day with leftovers!  Without  telling or teaching the gospel, they lived and showed it to everyone, preaching it in actions rather than words. They witnessed to thousands of people just by serving despite (or inspite) of their own need. Letters to this small congregation have come from as fas away as Wisconsin from people telling of how learning what this small church did has changed their lives!

You see, God provided several major miracles during this time. First only a few people died in the tornado. Secondly the church was spared. Thirdly everyone affected had their needs provided for. Finally God provided the money and provisions for the 16 people to make enough food, enough meals for everyone in the area for over two weeks until everything involved with the major cleanup was completed. God was glorified, truly and magnificently glorified by the behavior and events in the aftermath of this tragedy.

Every tragedy, everything that troubles our souls is an opportunity to see God glorified. God shows brightest when we are at our lowest. God’s supremacy shows clearest when our inability is most obvious. Yes, our own dear Lord prefers to work through the behavior and actions of His followers and when we act as Jesus would, it changes lives - our own included.

Now this week, lets remember that our actions, our behaviors, and the events in our lives are glorifying to God. We ought to trust Him to use us to bring Him glory no matter what happens!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?


2:01 AM  
Blogger Carter said...

Harry, no problem, just let me know which link you were having trouble with. You can email anyone here at and we will help you to the best of our abilities.

2:51 AM  

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