Sunday, February 06, 2011

Proverbs 3:5-6 - Actions Prove Trust

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Trust, it is such a small word but it means so much.  We want to be trustworthy and we want people to trust us.  We have our dear friends whom we have deemed “trustworthy” and we show that trust by telling secrets and other tidbits that we don't want spread around or gossiped about. We trust them not to tell others, or do anything that would intentionally injure us either physically, mentally, or emotionally.  When we go to the grocery store and purchase food, we are trusting that the company that packaged that food did it correctly and that we won't get sick from it and we trust that the grocery store put the right price on it too.  When we get car insurance, we trust that the insurance company is giving us the best rate possible. When we go to the doctor's office we trust him to figure out what is wrong with us and to fix it.  In all these cases we trust. We then put our trust to the test by purchasing food, buying insurance, going to the doctor, even voting is an act of faith and trust!

Why then is it so hard to trust, and I mean really Trust God?  We trust man-made things and worldly object so easily, but when God tells us to “come to Him for all our needs” we hem and haw and act all bashful about it, and then we worry about it anyways and figure out a way that we could take care of it.  When God says that He will provide for us, we say “Yes Lord, we trust you, just let me take care of my needs first.” That is not trust! We mouth the words but we don't but any action behind it.  When God tells us to tithe out of the first fruits and not worry about how we will pay for everything, He means it! Yet how many people worry about paying their bills if they were to tithe?  We say that God is trustworthy and that we trust Him, but do we? Do we really Trust God?

Trusting God is so much more involved than trusting our greengrocer.  If we truly Trust God then when He tells us to do something, we do it believing that He knows how it is going to work out and that He will take care of everything. Trust requires action before it really is “trust”. This week then, let us try and show our Trust in God a bit better. Let us all make more of an effort to really trust, rather than just mouth words.

Jesus, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soul;
Guilty, lost, and helpless, Thou canst make me whole.
There is none in Heaven or on earth like Thee:
Thou hast died for sinners—therefore Lord for me.
In Thy love confiding I will seek Thy face,
Worship and adore Thee, for Thy wondrous grace.
Jesus, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soul;
Guilty, lost and helpless, Thou canst make me whole.
                                                                    Mary J. Walker, 1855.


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