Sunday, March 06, 2011

Romans 12:2 - Nonconformity to the World's Templates

Romans 12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Templates and patterns are everywhere. In sowing, you use a pattern to show you how to cut out the fabric so it makes what you want to make, with the right dimensions. A Template in manufacturing is the same basic thing, but with sheet metal, molds, and die.  Even in drawing a stencil is used to ensure that things are the same.  This world has a pattern, a template, that people are encouraged to adhere to, much like a racing car is required to prove adherence to a design template prior to racing, proving that all those cars are aerodynamically equal.  The world compartmentalizes everything and if you don't fit into those boxes, those templates, those molds, then you are out of luck. 

Earlier this week, my apartment building had a grill-out. It was fantastic, everyone in the building pitched in and spent time hanging out. During this time I learned a lot more about my neighbors and how they live and think. I hope that they learned something about me too, about what drives me and what my priorities are. How does this relate to being conformed to the pattern of this world?  Simply put all my neighbors, most of my co-workers, and most of the people I know are driven by the same desires and wants.  Money is the biggest thing. Everyone is supposed to want money so they can have nicer stuff. My neighbors were absolutely astounded when they found that I don't have a flat screen television or cable TV. They were floored when I had no interest in getting drunk with them.  They were dumbstruck when I explained that I had no intentions or desire for pre or extra-marital “relationships.”  They just could not believe it! Excepting myself the entire building had the same ideas about everything. I was able to explain my point of view, but they were still all stuck on the idea that I didn't care for the same things they cared for, that I didn't match their template of wants, actions, desires, behaviors, and thoughts.

We need to check ourselves against God's template all the time. It is so very easy for us to get out of line with it, to get warped by always being in contact with people, ideas, and advertisements portraying a totally different point of view.  It is only when we are totally in line with God's template for our lives that we are truly able to discern what He desires for us. God's blueprints for our lives are tailored individually to each of us, to our strengths and weaknesses. In all cases however, they all match up to the specs set forth by Jesus. As long as we meet those specs everything will be fine. This week, then, let us make every effort to ensure that we are meeting up with God's pattern for our lives rather than the world's one-size-fits-all patterns. God's a much better planner than we are.

Thou sweet, belovèd will of God, my anchor ground, my fortress hill,
My spirit’s silent, fair abode, in thee I hide me and am still.

Within this place of certain good, Love evermore expands her wings,
Or, nestling in thy perfect choice, abides content with what it brings.

Thy wonderful grand will, my God, with triumph now I make it mine;
And faith shall cry a joyous Yes! to every dear command of thine.
                                                                                         Ger­hard Ter­steeg­en, 1729.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just world class write up! thanks for sharing this with me!
Resume Template

6:17 AM  

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