Hebrews 4:16 - Life and the Throne of God
Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Life is hard, and it doesn't always make sense. Things happen which to us from our perspective don't jive with the way things should be, and we are shattered from our place of peace and contentment. We feel a disconnectedness with everything, and we feel most disconnected from our Lord at such times. We cry out and there is no answer. We search and don't find. We have lost our center, our spiritual balance. This is life in this physical world, life where such things happen nearly all the time. We seem to spend our days careening around from crisis to crisis, chaos to chaos, problem to problem. We get breaks every now and again, and we see the blessings of God covering us, but then something else happens and we find ourselves again wondering why we can't seem to stay centered and balanced, why we can't seem to stay in those moments of peace and serenity.
Its life. Life happens. There is so much going on all the time in all the world that of course things happen. Of course we are not going to be staying in a place of peace and serenity, not if we keep moving forward. Its in the times of darkness and pain, of confusion and affliction, of distraction and chaos, of crisis and disconnectedness that the Lord forges our character and guides us towards who we are to become the most. And the thing is, just because we feel disconnected from God doesn't mean that we are. We don't feel His presence and we don't hear His answer because He is paying attention to and controlling the events surrounding us, ensuring that nothing is more than we are able to bear.
We have the confidence that we can pray about any of this, that we can praise the Lord in the midst of our struggle because we know that He has experienced the same troubles, trials, and temptations that we have, and on a deeper more intense level than any we could experience. God is not a distant God, but instead an intimate Lord and Master. He is with us in the forge of adversity just like He rests with us in the moments of peace, serenity, and rest. He has promised to never leave or forsake us, and He has never lied, not once. He suffered more than we did, and He knows what we need to get through our current situation. We know this, and this is why we have the confidence that we do. We can approach the throne of God with ease anytime we want. His mercy and grace is enough for us in our time of need, whenever and however often that may be.
We have a powerful, mighty, and very personally involved Lord, no matter what the situation may feel like. We have a Lord who has suffered whatever it is we are suffering from, be it conflicts at work or home, financial difficulties, mockery, temptation, or even heartbreak. No matter what it is, He has gone through it and knows how to help us get through it too. His grace is more than sufficient.
This week then, lets focus on accepting even more His mercy and grace for our lives, and to live in His mercy, full of His grace, full in the knowledge that He is in control of our circumstances despite our personal feelings. He is in control, lets let Him run the show even when we don't understand whats going on. He's seen this before, He'll get us through.
Behold the throne of grace,
The promise calls us near,
There Jesus shows a smiling face
And waits to answer prayer.
John Newton, 1779.
The promise calls us near,
There Jesus shows a smiling face
And waits to answer prayer.
John Newton, 1779.
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